
How do I secure my Netgear wireless network?

by Guest33139  |  earlier

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I just set my my wireless network for my home so I am able to use a laptop around the house, but I was wondering if anyone knows how to secure the network so others in the surrounding area are not able to use it. I put a password protection on it, but that didn't do anything. I want to secure it so they have to know my network key in order to get on.




  1. you need to read  the manual, follow the web based logon to go to wireless security and turn on encryption. Use WPA or 128 bit WEP. Do alll this with the cable connection, it will shut you out otherwise. Once this is set use your wireless card connection program to search for your router, set a matching key and connect.

  2. You need to go into the settings of the router, the same way you went to set it up and add a password key to it, so that no one unless they have the key can connect the router. Refer the the manual that came with it.

  3. You did not specify which Netgear Wireless router you have so I can only take a stab in the dark. Many routers are similar however. Go to the link below and read the instructions. If you really want security set it at least to the WPA option. If WPA2 is available that is even better. WEP is barely useful and I can break it in less than 3 minutes

  4. To start out, enable a WPA password.  Use WPA2 if your computer's wireless adapter supports it.  Then reboot the computer and try to connect to your wireless network.  It will prompt you for the password.  Type in that password you set up in the router.

    The next thing you will probably want to do is change your SSID in the router.  This is the name of your wireless network.  The only thing with this, you will have to go back into the list of wireless networks and connect to it.

    Once you have done those 2 things, then I suggest you go back into the router and disable your SSID broadcast.  Enable it back when you want to connect a new computer to the wireless.  Disable it once every device learns how to connect to it.

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