
How do I sell my magazine idea?

by  |  earlier

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And who do I sell it to? The magazine is aimed at young adults.




  1. My advice is to develop the magazine and the concept yourself. Publishers will rarely spend money on buying just an idea without seeing it working successfully.

    The young adult market is pretty saturated with magazines so it will need to be unique and appealing to both readers and those all important advertisers.

    Good luck.


    Break down the magazine so it is clear and presentable:

    Who is your target audience?



    -Geographic location

    -Economic status



    Before you can sell your idea you have to KNOW your audience...if it's middle class female college grads in their 20's thats one thing...if it's male athletes thats another.  Once you know your audience, search for people in publishing who SPECIALIZE in that audience to pitch it to.  It all comes down to how you sell your idea and make it seem unique, cutting-edge and most of all, desirable so that it has the prospect of making a profit...everyone wants to make $$

    Good Luck!

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