
How do I sell my photographs?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to find a way to find perspective buyers. Or to sell them to companies but I dont know how you find companies that would be interested. It cost too much money to enlarge and frame them for sale my self, I tried and it was about $35 dollars for the finished product and its only a 12 x 18 x.




  1. You may want to partner with an online company to sell your photos. The last digital photo pro magazine had a good article on this

  2. If you are not willing to take a risk to invest some of your own money to exhibit your own work, what makes you think someone will want to purchase your photos and do it themselves?

    If you are looking to sell your work in a more gallery setting, pick some of your best pieces and have them fully done up. A framing shop can offer loads of help if you are unsure what exactly to do with your work. Then find places who are willing to display your work. Anywhere and everywhere can be a possibility. A restaurant, an office, a store, anywhere that someone will see your work and perk they curiosity. Be sure your name and info is prominently displayed.

    If you are looking for just selling your photos to companies, again select some of your best pieces and put together a portfolio you can show to prospective clients. Have more than one portfolio. Advertise, advertise, advertise. Shoot weddings, T-ball games, birthdays, anything you can get paid for and have portfolios ready to show for any occasion. Just like starting out in most careers it all comes down to networking and connections. Keep an eye on Craigslist postings, many times there are people looking for contract photo work to be done privately or for their company.

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