My 3 1/2 year old son is profoundly disabled and unable to play with most of his toys. Instead of buying him things we know he can't use, my husband and I utilize our money for special needs products he can benefit from, but can't get the rest of the family to understand they are wasting their money by buying him mainstreat toddler toys he can't play with. We have a whole closet full of them which I have opened, because I felt guilty leaving them in the packages after he received most of them as gifts. There are literally thousands of dollars worth that I just can't bring myself to pack up and donate to strangers. I can't help but think I should sell them and use the profit for equipment my son needs. Any ideas on how to best go about this? Any sites I should know about that specialize in toys? I'm lost when it comes to e-bay.
1 second ago - 3 days left to answer.