
How do I send someone a lot of positive energy?

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I want to help lately they don't seem so happy!




  1. Shoot if you can figure that out then you could be a very rich human being. You ever hear the saying,"when the student is ready the teacher will appear".

    Only that person really knows what makes them happy and if they don't it is because it is still undiscovered within them. Their is no real answer, but, just show them the love you have. You could try to figure out whats the underlying problem and help them fix that, if they will allow you. If not, then, it must be outside of your control and all you can do is pray and let nature take its' course.

  2. Just be there for them to talk to. If they're depressed they might not feel like being all cheery, so if you're trying to get them to be up and bubbly - that might backfire and make them want to be around you less, or more aware of how down they feel. But let them know that you care about them and accept them even if they're in a bad/sad mood.  

  3. I dont know, but if you figure it out, could you send me some?

    Personally though, although I'm extremely depressed right now, I am completely positive to everyone around me.  Almost overly.  The world appreciates it.  

    So just be happy around them.  

  4. Pray for them.

  5. Smile at them and just be nice. Even if it's small like telling them that they are a good person it will still be appreciated. Also, hugs.

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