
How do I set email posting in my group so that MY emails get posted without my having to "approve" it?

by  |  earlier

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My group setting is restricted, where I have to approve all emails posted by memebrs, including myself.




  1. go to your group, click on  management left side of your cover page, then click on  messages  under the group setting.  scroll down and   you will see posting and archives.  Click on edit.  and you can select who can post without moderation..  Click save changes and there you are.

  2. you do not do this under group settings, but individually per member

    you locate yourself in the members list, click edit memebrship below your ID- scroll to bottom and you'll see Posting Messages:    Override: This member's posts are always moderated (Edit) <-- click the edit- next page bottom check * Messages posted by this member are not moderated. click save changes

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