
How do I set up an establishment that validates mandatory community service?

by  |  earlier

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I set up a non-profit business, and would like to accept & validate mandatory community service. Is there a certain government filing I need to accomplish this or can I just go ahead and approve community service hours dedicated to my business?




  1. You are a 501(c)(3)? If that's the case, then when people come to your organization to volunteer or fulfill mandatory community service, you need to:

    -- have an orientation process, where the person learns about your organization, fills out your volunteer application with their contact details and information on why they want to provide service at your organization, and receives information on what opportunities are available.

    -- together, you decide what the person will do for your organization, what hours and days they will work, etc. Someone from your organization (it can be another volunteer) should support and supervise the volunteer in the service.

    -- your organization will need to sign any form the volunteer has that details his or her service. You may need to provide a letter instead, that just says what the volunteer did and how many hours he or she provided.

    I always count the hour of volunteer orientation as an hour of service in the report for anyone having to provide community service for school or the courts, as well as any training time.

  2. good question.

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