
How do I set up my computer for dial up?

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I have dsl but want to add dial up, how do I do this




  1. Well, you need a modem, either an internal card  or an external unit. External modems use either the serial port of a USB port.

    To configure the modem use the Phone and Modem Options control panel program. I think there is also a Dialup setup wizard there.

  2. I dont understand why you would want to get dial up when you have DSL but dial up service is a completely different service from DSL. Some dial up providers that use to be popular include AOL, SINA, and a few very outdated others that few still remember.

    DSL and dial up are similar in that they both connect you via a phone jack but while DSL wont occupy the phone signal, a dial up service will. What this means is that while you are using the dial up, you either will be unable to use DSL or you will need multiple phone lines.

    It is not logical to have both dial up and DSL financially.

    Dial up connects at a speed of 54kbs for about $10-15 a month OR they base it on usage. On top of that, phone minutes are counted if the provider uses a long distance phone number. Connection takes a few minutes, and service is sluggish beyond belief.

    DSL provides 700+kbs for about $20 a month flat rate and will not occupy a phone line and can allow multiple users to connect without noticeable decrease in connectivity.

    Bottom line, if you really need 2 separate connections, it will only cost $5 more to get a connection 14 times as fast and infinitely more convenient then dial up. Stick with the DSL/Cable

  3. this will give you no advantage. The machine will not be able to use both connections at once, and will become slower as it  will waste time determining which connection to use before each packet sent. If you really need this you will need to ensure your analogue modem is correctly installed, has the right drivers, and then is connected to the phone side of the dsl filter. This will, of course cut off your phone line when in use. Then you need to find the phone number of the ISP you want to use, and configure the connection. You can use the connection wizard for this.

  4. LISTEN TO Colnic's anwer.

    You do not want to do this in addition to DSL.


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