
How do I setup the local time within Yahoo! Groups?

by  |  earlier

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Here is the problem, I recently sign up to a yahoo group call SFFN, I noticed that the posting time for message are different from my local time...

For example, this latest post # 67817 8:19 pm , it is a new message within this hour, but my clock is just 1pm...

So? How do I fix this?

Thanks for reading.




  1. depends on the time zone the owner set for that group however you can go to My Account and set the time zone there and see if that does the trick

    I'm glad that it worked for you. I have only offered a question here once I think and cant at all help you with closing this question!

  2. I asked yahoo this once and they told me that you can't change the time.

    Contact yahoo:

    click account

    click contact yahoo

    They should be able to help you there

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