
How do I show I am trustworthy and won't cheat on him like women from his past?

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I've recently started seeing a guy. He has a lot of barriers up and has asked me to promise him never to fall in love with him cause he's had so many hurts and women cheating on him that he's afraid to fall in love and get hurt again. I use to be this way as well but for me it was just a matter of time to relearn how to trust and love again. He keeps saying things like "why do you like me? I don't deserve someone as sweet as you." He is deeply interested in me. I've told him I've only ever kissed 4 guys and had a serious relationship with two and that I'm still a virgin. He was greatly surprised and was really happy about it cause it shows I have morals. I don't love him as we have only just started seeing each other. But if I did fall in love with him, I think I just won't say anything until he does, as I know he has issues pertaining to that. How do I help him along with these issues? How can I show him that I am trustworthy? How do I set myself apart from other women that he's been with?




  1. Ummm... Don't cheat on him?  

    You shouldn't have to prove anything just because he doesn't know how to pick a good gf

    You don't have to do anything special other than being faithful  

  2. Dont be punished because of his past  

  3. most males bring that up because there could be a possibility that hes cheating on you, thats why he thinks you playing him... dont worry he will get over it. but if he keeps thinking that you cheating on him call CHEATERS and they will find out for you

  4. give him time, i'm at where this guy is. the fact that you have upstanding morals is awesome! that's definitely good. show him that your trustworthy, let him know if you are hanging out with some guy friends. and at least for a while, don't go hanging out with any guy friends alone. even if they are your "brother" and you have known him since 2nd grade. let him get used to your guy friends first, no matter where your going. my second girlfriend cheated on me on a missions trip :( pretty dissapointing. just show him you love him and dont give him a reason to doubt it!

  5. this takes time so be gentle and don't rush you need to prove that this is you.

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