
How do I show my kitten that I am dominant?

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I read that a kitten that INSISTS on jumping into your lap is displaying her dominance over you. She jumps onto my lap constantly. I will set her down and as soon as I look away she is in my lap again. I don't mind her being there once in a while, but when it interferes with my work, I need to fix it... I love her very much, but I want to show her that while I do love her, I am the alpha female. How do I do this?




  1. You need to show your kitty that this behavior is not okay and she will not get attention from it. Whenever you sit down and she jumps on you when you don't want it just get up (don't even move her- let her fall off your lap) and walk away. Then come back in a little bit. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. When she does something like sits next to you but not ON you, then put her and praise her and give her a treat. Make it a positive experience for her to be nice and calm sitting next to you and a negative experience for her to be on your lap. You can also try keeping a spray bottle with water next to you wherever you are. Whenever she jumps in ur lap, give her a little spray and she will freak out.  This is how you train an animal; with positive and negative experiences.

  2. Where did you "read" this?  Because in over twenty years of cat ownership, volunteering with a shelter and educating others about cat ownership I've never heard that.  Jumping in your lap isn't a display of dominance.  She wants attention from you.  How old is this kitten?  It could be she was separated too early from her mother and siblings.

    If you don't want to give this kitten the attention and love it needs then find it a new home.  You should be enjoying the fact this kitten wants to spend lots of time with you - not wanting to teach it NOT to want to be with you.  How sad.

  3. I think that behavior is just because she views you as the mother type and needs all the comfort, love, and attention she can get at the moment. Letting her jump on your lap wont interfere with her thinking you are dominant or not. Kittens are very attatched to who they view as their mother at that age and so in a way she already views you as the dominant one.

    If more problems to arise though as she gets older and interferes with your place as the dominant one- this link can help.

    Good Luck  =)

  4. Whatever you "read somewhere" you have either mis-remembered or it was written by an idiot.

    Cats express dominance territorially - by spraying - and by fighting - they exhibit dominant posture, and bite. Mother cats discipline their young in a mild version of the same behaviour.

    Jmping onto your lap is all about this baby wanting love and affection, and seeing you as the most imprtant thing in its life.

    And you plan to spray it with water? (great technique for "bad behaviour" .... do you really want to punish this cat for exhibiting love?)

    For goodness sake use some patience now to nurture the adult cat you want to own. She wil grow out of this very dependent stage naturally but If you really don't want her on your lap then when she jumps up. ....gently move her to the arm of the chair, and gently stroke her and talk to her while she settles there. She will learn to sit next to you rather than on you.

    Owner dominance is a dog issue .... maybe you should have bought one of those.

  5. This works for dogs so it probably works for cats, but I don't know for sure:

    Any time she's too rowdy/doing something you don't want her to do, pick her up like you would hold a baby - put her back against one of your forearms and support her butt with the hand of that arm. Once she's in position, take your other arm and put your hand against her stomach with your fingers towards her face, and push lightly to hold her in place.

    Keeping her held in this position is a way of both showing her you're in charge, and calming her down by restricting her movement without hurting her (just make sure you hold her in position and don't let her fall or anything).

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