
How do I show my parents that I am responsible?

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I want a phone but my parents keep on telling me that I am not responsible i try really hard but i don't now what is wrong




  1. make sure u keep ur grades up, do ur choirs, alway polite and courteous,  never lash back, alway ask if dey need anything else!  

  2. do you lose your stuff? do you keep your room clean? do you go out without telling them where you are? all parents think things like this are iresponsible. just be nice to your parents, and dont talk back and dont lie and stuff like that (i'm not saying you do or not).  

  3. Go to sleep early and finish your homework everyday.  My parents don't care about responsibility but when i was 13 I got my own phone by paying for it with my birthday money.

  4. do more around the house. get good grades. maybe you can even get a job if you don't have one already.

  5. How old are you?

    It depends if you've ever given your parents reason to not trust you, I guess.

    If you haven't then just tell them that. Tell them they have to give you a chance to prove that you're responsible or else you'll never learn. Tell them you just want it to talk to friends etc not for a boyfriend/girlfriend type relationship. Also, tell them you won't be keeping any secrets from them.

    Don't be angry at them if they still say no. Maybe they haven't got the money...? I understand how you feel, my parents didn't let me have a phone for ages..but they gave in eventually...

    Good luck and don't give up!

  6. Start doing things around the house without them having to ask you to.  

  7. You have to prove it to them.  Start by telling them you want more responsibilty around the house.  Ask them for more chores.  And do some on your own.  Make sure your grades are up and you do what they say.  Like coming in on time and being ready for things on time.  You have to act responsible.

    Then see if they will let you earn the phone.  Tell them you will do extra chores to pay for it, or see if you can earn money other ways.  Sell books on Amazon, sell your stuff you don't use on ebay.  See if neighbors need yardwork, dogs walked, etc.  

    Once your parents see you are really trying and they know you are acting mature, they might change their minds.

  8. It takes time to earn someones trust, you just have to prove that you are responsible by taking care of things, say if you have a messy room you'll have to clean it and keep it clean, maybe look after siblings or pets and things, those kind of things would show them that if you are capable of doing that, you should be responsible of a phone.

  9. Well you could follow these steps to How to Prove to your parents that you are responsible:

    Talk to your parents about what you want.

    Try doing chores around the house, show them that you're not afraid to work for what you want.

    Try doing extra credit work at school or better yet just study hard and get good grades.

    Try to avoid childish words like "um" or "duh" because it makes you sound immature.

    Avoid things they don't like. Stay away from the bad crowd at school. Don't watch that television show your parents hate, find trashy, or don't approve of.

    Go out of your way to compliment them, or do an extra chore. Little things like this show them that you really are responsible.

    Don't try to impress them by saying super sophisticated words either, they might think you're being a show off and how responsible does that sound?

    Prove you can take care of yourself. If your parents come home from work, exhausted, don't pester them to make dinner for you. Make it for them!

    Be punctual. If your curfew is at 11, be home by 10:30. If your school starts at 8, wake up at 6:30 instead of at 7:30. You won't have to beg your parents for a ride. Let them know of all events in advance

    Be sure to do your daily chores and don't be lazy this will show your parents you will be willing to ake care of the something you want.  

  10. My parents are the same way.

    It may take time to make then think you are responsible, but you just need to always tell the truth, make sure you are obedient to them, and do your best not to argue.

    That worked for me, and hopefully it'll help you!

  11. get something pierced :]

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