
How do I show my true self to everyone?

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My school started about a week ago and Im a new student there. But I really really wanted to show my true self in front of everyone which is outgoing and being hyper! yayyy! But I cant every time I try being out going and hyper in front of everyone I just cant. Now everyone probably thinks im some kind of shy & quiet Asian girl. -_- How do I get rid of this problem?




  1. Interesting question. First you need to make sure that YOU know who you are. It seems to me that you know you're hyper and fun, but is this really who you are?

    The next thing is most important: Only you can effect how you're seen by others. It's all up to you. It's easiest to do this in front of friends. So first you have to make friends with someone. Be confident in front of them, not shy. They want to be friends with you, remember that. Once you have a friend, show them who you really are! Be real with your friend, and if they like you (which I'm sure they will) they will introduce you to THEIR friends. Then you're in!

  2. Just be yourself. Sure they don't know you from last year but how do you know that most of these students are new too? And if you are outgoing and really fun and hyper, then SHOW IT! and don't care about wat anyone else says because its not YOUR problem whether or not the s****. girls like it or not? its THEIRS. s****. yourself! and i bet ALOT of people will love it. i was REALLY shy last year but this year at school in a week im gonna be myself no MATTER what! i used to be so shy i never called my parents mom or dad and i changed and now i do:]

  3. Realize that you can't show your true self to anyone!  You just can't do it.  You can give indications, act certain ways, tell others what you like and what you don't.

    Best advice: Stop worrying about it.  Focus on something else, like getting to know other people.  Get the focus off of yourself.

  4. Well, start to show your true self. be outgoing and hyper! yayyy! Lol.

  5. Give it time.  You don't want to explode like a firecracker - after the bang, what's left?  Give yourself time to warm up.  You did not really start out being the extreme Ms. Out-going-and-Hyper, you warmed up to it the first time and you will warm up to it now.  Don't worry, your time to shine will come!

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