
How do I shutdown a computer on the same Network?

by  |  earlier

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I want to shutdown my brother's computer, but I do not know how.

I want to do it secretly, so he won't know, and while he's playing a game it shuts down!

I'm running on Vista Home Premium.




  1. first without your brother knowing make yourself an administer on his computer.

    then download rshutdown

    A free tool that runs from the command prompt but should work nicely.

  2. Easy answer is no. You can't shutdown his computer.

    Now difficult answer is Yes, you can. For that you need to do following things:

    1. Got to be admin on your brother's comp.

    2. Use remote terminal session to your brother's comp.

    3. Once you are in, shutdown the comp.

    There are N no. of other ways to shutdown your bro's comp. But all of them will require you to be the local admin of your bro's comp and they will require little amount of settings on other comp. Without touching your brother's computer, you can not shut it down. Whatever tech. you use your brother will catch you sooner or later. :)

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