
How do I smoke responsibly

by Guest62106  |  earlier

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cigars and cigarretes




  1. Dont smoke at all. You'll live longer.

  2. I don't think it's responsible to yourself to smoke.  I am a smoker, and, although I only smoke 3-5 cigarettes per day, I wish I didn't smoke at all.

    I started out smoking clove cigarettes.  The most clove cigs I smoked per day was three.  They began making me really ill, so I made the smart switch to Marlboros (obviously, I'm being sarcastic!)  I smoked only 1-3 of those for many years, so I figured I wasn't hooked.  Wrong!  Also, drinking alcohol, taking some medications and/or doing other drugs could make you want to smoke more, so that's another thing to be careful about.

    I quit cold turkey when I thought I was pregnant (I was).  It was no problem to NOT smoke then, because my babies' lives were on the line.  All it took was one little puff off my bf's cig to get me smoking again after my boys were born.  I'm a "responsible" smoker in that I don't smoke around my sons or in the house or car.  I'm an irresponsible smoker, because, even though I don't smoke around them, my boys know I smoke.  I'm not setting a good example for them, so I need to quit my little habit.  I'm amazed at how addicted I am to those 3-5 cigs per day.

    Bottom line:  just don't smoke at all.  Quit while you're ahead, because before you know it, twenty years of smoking will have passed and you could get emphysema, chronic lung disease, cancer, dead.

  3. smoking isnt safe at all. it kills. plain and simple.  

  4. ONLY smoke a cigar on special occassions

  5. First off, only smoke socially, if you do it on your own you are more likely to become addicted, if you just have a couple with your friends then it is fine.  Secondly, after smoking, brush your teeth and have a shower if possible (at minimal brush), not only will it stop people who you don't want to know you smoke from knowing, it will also stop you thinking about it so you wont light up straight away.  If you ask me, you should smoke cigars, not cigarettes, that's my preference its up to you though.  Oh, and don't listen to all of the people on here telling you that it is oh so bad for you, in my opinion, life's for living.  Hope this helped.


  6. just dont it goes from half a cigarette, to a few, to a pack a day. its not worth getting into. I have seen it happen to my friends

  7. Just smoke. Who cares. You're going to die one day anyway.

  8. Did you know that cigarettes are officially more addictive than heroin? If you want to smoke responsibly I'd light the cigarette, put it in a sealed tin box and bury it in the garden.

  9. Your risk starts to go up significantly after about 10 pack-years -- that's a pack a day for 10 years, half a pack for 20 years, etc. Well, if you smoked 5 a day, it would take 40 years. Also, you usually become addicted at 5 a day. So I'd keep it to four a day or less, it's unlikely to cause serious harm if you're healthy and not of heart attack age. Be careful, though, that you don't "cheat" because then you'll end up smoking more and it can be hard to cut down --  I was able to cut down from two packs a day to 5 a day but I couldn't get it below that and it crept back up to 10, I had to quit entirely.

  10. I don't believe there is a responsible way to smoke. Leave well alone.

  11. Ya don't!

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