
How do I solve my MS office 2003 error???

by  |  earlier

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I get an error every time I try to open MS office appliacation.As soon as I open them,An error message shows up saying"Microsoft Office <application name> has not been installed for the current user. Please run setup to install the application."I am logged into the administrator account but it still does not work.Please give me a solution to this problem and please dont give me links to some other website.

THANKS in advance




  1. try reinstalling the program over time the program degrades. but reinstall it for all users.  

  2. Ummm...Reinstall is the only advice I can give you.

  3. does it give you a link to install it? if so, just install it!

    if not..i recommend you get your software cd and download it into this user.

    hope i helped!

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