
How do I spin on a box with skis?

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Where do I balance my weight and put pressure on my boot. I can do the rail fine, I just can't spin.




  1. first u have to get comfortable with going on boxes fast.  once that is done you go on the box if you are not comfortable jumping on it to your side then go on it diagonaly and just kinda twist your upper body and unless you are mister incredible your lower body should follow also start out on long boxes and only do a 180 degree turn then go for the big three and so on... -^^-

  2. Well, before you do it on a box,  do it many manny times on a flat run.  Once you are very comfortable on flat snow, then do the exact same thing on the box.  And try not to eat it your first time.  Bring a freind once you do attempt it.  In case you kiss the box, he (or she) can help you out.

  3. when you say "spin on a box" are you talking about spin onto it or just spin while on it?

    since your asking this question im assuming you're not talking about urban-style rails or boxes so the following pertains to straight-on features.

    If spinning onto it:

    1) make sure you are comfortable doing 3's on small jumps, even just jumping off flat land.  decide which direction you spin naturally, for regular spins like 3's or 5s or something

    2) approach the rail with enough speed to get airbourne, but not so much that you get completely knucked on impact.  

    3) towards the lip, adjust yourself slightly toward the side you spin (for example: if you are spinning to your left, go at a slight angle pointing left, so that you are not completely square with the rail) this is because when you spin you have a tendency to drift in midair and dont land in the same line that you take off from.

    4.) pop hard enough so that your skis will have time to rotate 270. as you leave the ground, throw your upper body into the spin.  LEAD YOUR SPIN WITH YOUR HEAD (spot over your shoulder)  this is soo crucial especially for landing on a rail because you want to spin quickly and see what you are landing on.  

    -Make sure to take off well-balanced so that you land on the rail balanced without dieing.

    6) once airbourne and spinning, keep your ski tips up over the rail (you will be able to see this happen) hte most important part is to lift your skis enough to clear the rail.  

    7) 3/4 of the way through a 360, extend your legs and place your skis onto the rail.  KEEP YOUR LEGS WIDE AND BALLANCED.  the most common problem is having your skis too close or off balanced, and falling backwards onto the rail.

    8) if your rail is short enough, you will just ride the rest and slide off facing forwards.  if it is a longer rail, you will have to stagger your skis inorder to stop your rotation while on the rail.  to do this, press down with the toes of your leading foot while pulling the toes of your trailing foot up.  (example: if you have spun to your left and are now on the rail wiht your left foot forward, press down with your left toes and lift up with your right.)  this will make one ski angle down while the other angles up, resisting your spin.  mastering this technique will make pretzeling possible in your future.

    9.) your first few are gonna be horrible.  wear a helmet cus if your not really good at spinning and riding rails ur gonna hit the rail.  accept it.  but keep trying! once you have the spin and balance down, practice landing on the rail in a postion to slide the whole thing (see step 3)

    If spinning while already on a rail:

    1) this is pretty easy so you might want to throw in some switchups or a spin onto the box to style it up.

    2)approach the box squarely as if you would slide it normally

    have plenty of speed to keep yourself from sticking while you spin

    3) pop a little harder than normally and turn your upper body and arms while in mid air. keep you head turned ahead of your body to maintain your spin while landing

    4) land on the box with your feet close enough to gether to stay on the box if it is skinnny, but wide enough to be balanced  if the box is too skinny to separate your feet, bend your knees and keep you weight downhill.  MAKE SURE YOUR WEIGHT IS DOWNHILL.  even more so than when sliding a rail regularly, you will have a tendency to fall backwards.  

    5) you should land on the box between 90 and 180 (1/4 and 1/2 of a 360) depending on how much you want to spin.  this all will depend on how hard you spin initially onto the box.  

    6) while on the box, maintain your balance and keep your head turned so you will spin quickly and smoothly.  hang on for dear life and spin as much as you like or have room for on the box.

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