
How do I split up rent If I am leaving before the month is up?

by  |  earlier

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A friend and I are living together and splitting rent 50/50. If I am leaving 10 days before the end of the month, should I ask him to cover the last 10 days himself, or should I just take the hit and pay for the entire month?




  1. Do the civil thing first. Ask him how he prefers to do it. To help out your friend, I'd say its easier to just eat the 10 days. After all, you're the one leaving so why should your friend be forced to cover your last 10 days?

  2. I would pay the month unless he said something different

  3. This is a point that would have been best covered before rooming. at this point,I would just pay the extra ten days because that is what I agreed to.  If I had a roommate and he/she came to me with the question I would probably pro-rate the rent to help them out. Good luck

  4. If you signed the lease, you are liable living there or not

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