
How do I stand up on a wakeboard?

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I just got a wakeboard I'm a beginner, I was able to stand up the other day but my dad thought I was falling so he stopped the boat to come get me and I fell and now I don't remember what I did. Have any tips?




  1. its really realy easy once you feel the put turn your board to your front foot an slowly stand up. you dont really need to think it just happens

    good luck


  2. first I'd say ask your dad not to stop if he thinks you going to fall...falling is part of learning. The best way to learn is from your mistakes.

    Like don't know said, if you did it once you'll probably be able to get it again.

    For me when i started my friend who was driving the boat when i started started off a little slowly, it helped when i was first starting.

    I'd just say, hold on tight, keep your hands in front of your knees, and have fun!!!

  3. The knees should be pulled in close to you chest.  Hold the handle close too, have your arms bent.  Depending on the power of your boat, have you dad gun the boat to get moving towards a plane and then start leveling off.  During this time, you should let the force of the boat put Resistance against your board and keeping your knees bent, put more force down with your dominant foot (rear) and not so much on your lead foot (front).  You can even just let the boat pull you into a butter slide where the board is parallel with the back of the boat and when you are ready, just stand up.  A lot about wakeboarding has to do with muscle memory.  Once you have experienced it your body will remember how it felt and it becomes second nature.  Then you progress to the next step in your riding.  May I suggest, since you are a beginner, head over to and check out 'The Book' wakeboarding instructional series.  You could certainly benefit from discs 1 and 2.  You can purchase them individually, but it is cheaper for the entire series.

    Good luck, and welcome to the sport, don't give up.  Remember if you are not falling, you are riding below you potential... LOL

  4. if you di it once  i bet you'll do it again. just tell dad to have a little faith and keep driving until you are obviously down. good luck.

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