
How do I start? What should I say?

by  |  earlier

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First off, I love these yahoo answers. THanks to all great people who've made me stronger (I'm being super honest here).

Here's the deal (please check other questions from me to get detail on the current situation I'm facing).

I think I'm ready to tell him that I like him. Not straight up. He's a supervisor (not mine but of a different group). He's a shy person. We barely talk. I can't really flirt with him (touch him and all that). It's impossible (if you know what I mean). He's seen me (at times) TRY to talk to him. That's liek 2 times a day or sometimes never.

I was thinkin to email him and tell him but I'm afraid. I dont wanna embarass myself. I kind of think he likes me but part of me says, may be not. I think he knows a bit that I'm interested in him.

What's the best way to tell him/show him that I like him? (this is killing me day after day)

What are some of the ways you'd write/tell him that you like him without offending either party? I need advices from both males and females.






  1. You posted this in Languages but I'll answer anyway.

    Sounds like you have a severe crush on this guy and aren't certain if he feels the same way about you. It's very courageous of you to plan on taking the first step but like you said, you don't want to embarrass yourself or him.

    If you already dropped hints that you like him, I would tread carefully. No matter how shy a person is, at some point, if they're interested, they'll show it. (If he's a supervisor, he can't be all that shy.) Are you sure he isn't already involved with someone? Maybe he isn't interested and is too afraid to hurt your feelings.

    Is there any way you can have a coworker/friend find out? If not, maybe you could start including him in your group emails. You know, the jokes, inspirational, generic stuff that we all forward to groups of people. He'll see he's not the only one and maybe he'll feel comfortable enough to answer you. Then, when you learn more about is interests, hobbies, etc., you can send him [only] an email about something that pertains to that and see how he reacts.

    If you can just get him to write you back, he's likely to open up more a bit because people usually feel more comfortable when it isn't face-to-face.

    Whatever you decide to do, you might want to take it slowly. If he really is a shy guy, someone who comes on too strongly might scare him away.

    Good luck.

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