
How do I start a composter heap? and where can I get a small can compactor? I want to be more green?

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How do I start a composter heap? and where can I get a small can compactor? I want to be more green?




  1. A compost heap can be as simple as piling leaves and other plant waste on the ground(no animal waste)

    Keep in mind that material such as grass clippings etc should be alloyed to dry slightly before adding them otherwise they can mold witch can ruin your compost.

    You can also harvest some of the heat generated by composting.

  2. a compost heap can be as simple as piling leaves and other yard waste into a pile and wait. This however may take quite a bit of time to decompose.  To increase decomposition a good rule of thumb is to add 50/50 brown and green material so 50% of the pile could be lawn clippings and 50% can be dry leaves mix well.  Adding lime can increase decomposition lime as in the white stuff not the fruit.  You can always get some worms to help out red wigglers are suposed to be the best, earthworms don't do well in pure compost.  You can keep the pile moist and adding a dark cover to keep in the moisture and absorb the sun can help.  Turning ove the pile will help as well to get air in and redistribute the bacteria in the pile.  I would recomend making two to three piles each one a different age so for example you make pile one the first year and next year you make pile 2 and perhaps pile three the third year and when yo get to the 4th year you can rotate back to the first pile.  This lets the piles completely decompose before adding fresh stuff making it easier to remove the finished compost and having the compost finish composting helps kill  weed seeds that are in the compost.  Things to put in compost include basically anything that decomposes including kitchen waste 100% cotton items that are no longer usable grass clippings and leaves, although you'll want to exclude meat and dairy products to reduce smell and keep critters from digging through the pile.  You'll also want to keep sticks out since they will take so long to break down although you could start a long term compost pile for sticks I wouldnt recomend at least the larger pieces to avoid termites and other destructive bugs.

  3. Buying a can compactor is not being green.  A can compactor is a device that does what you can do with your foot.  Being green is doing things without having to have something manufactured to do it for you.

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