
How do I start a rowing team at my school?

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I'm a rower and plan to start a crew team at my school. Does anyone have any tips for going about this? I'm looking into recieving a grant to help me, but am having trouble finding one.




  1. You need 3 things: money, money, and money - and lots of it.

    Not only are boats expensive, but so is access to the body of water you practice on, and a place to store your boats and equipment.  Then there are coaches, insurance, regatta entry fees just for starters.

    Is your school public or private?  Are crew teams in your area varsity (school funded) or club (self funded) level?  

    New programs will often get started by renting a boat and launch time from an established program.  Then if they pick up some steam in membership they can pool resources to buy equipment of their own.  

    Grants to buy a boat are not likely, unless you can find a wealthy rowing enthusiast in your area that wants to lead the effort.  It's a tough uphill battle; Good luck!

  2. WOW

    Be Ready to do some butt kissing and have a amazing speech ready for your school.  Cause most boats cost around 40,000 dollars!

    everything with rowing is so expensive, my cox box cost $457 and it dosn't even come with the headset which costs $70

    hope you school has the kind of money to fund that, and that you do some butt kissing for a grant.

    I'd try writing to rich people from your home town, famous people who came from around your aera, or like olympic rowers.

  3. Write to the companies that make racing shells and ask them for suggestions.  They will know where to find funding and grants.  You also will need a river or lake somewhere close by that can allow for practice and sponsoring events.  If you don't have the water then you will have to find a way to fund transportation of the boats and people to the place to do this.  Insurance issues will arise for the school too so think about that.

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