
How do I start babysitting?

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im thinking bout putting an add in the newspaper

but i dont wanna baby si babies there iscky and freaky




  1. lol I know what you mean.

    I'd like to babysit too.

    maybe you should talk to friends

    who have kids and so on.

    that way you know them.

    if your younger its hard to

    find someone that will  trust you.

  2. dont do something that you dont like

  3. a lot of people don't like to babysit babies but right now i babysit for 4 different familes ages baby-9 year olds and i love the babies because they take naps and just sit there... the baby never puked or cried and i only had to change a poopy diaper once yesterday and that was the first of this year. if you go to church then ask families in your church, if not then ask neighbors and ask around your community... put fliers in the local supermarket or at the gas stations, on poles and whatnot. hope this helps :)

  4. I don't know what that last sentence means but you should go to the park and observe the kids and the parents. Then approach them and offer your services, hand out your number and a reference or two.

  5. if you know some people that have cute toddlers, you could talk to them, or if the your parents atre friends with them you could ask them to just mention it sometime... hope this hhelps.. happy babysitting :D

  6. put an add in the town grocerary store. i did that 2 months ago. now i am making 250 dollars a week!!!

    hope this helps!


  7. just try it and if u don't like it then quit

  8. first baby sit kids from people that u already noe. if u like it than ask them 2 recomend u. chances are the people they recomend u to are like them so u wont have problems. then if yur really into it put an ad in the newspaper

  9. I wouldnt go that big if your just starting just put flyers up in your neighborhood first. And tell your parents to let their friends know. I bet the word will spread fast and you'll have a job in no time. Good Luck!

  10. i get to know younger kids and their parents at my school.  it worked.  i had a job today

  11. Skip the paper and use  Punch in your local state and then city or area.

    You can explain in the ad that you don't have much babysitting experience, and if you'd like, you can specify the types or ages of children that you are willing to look after.

  12. first of all, you might wanna consider taking a red cross baby-sitting course some you can take in one day and parents will like to see that on a resume. Also put a binder together with dividers for every child. In their sections write down information like allergies, parents cell ex. Not only will this be helpful in an emergency, it will let parents see that your organized an responsible. DON'T PUT AN ADD IN THE PAPER! Do you really want to go to someones house that you don't know? Tell friends and family to tell people about your service. Or, even better, give them business card to hand out. Just write your name and number on a piece of paper, and laminate them using business card laminating strips which can be bought at the Dollarama in the office section and need no special machines, they can be used right out of the package!

  13. If you don't want to then don't, find another job like burger king or something. Pizza delivery. Volunteer work at a local museum or park.

    But if you decide to babysit, your going to have to get CPR certified. And depending on the state, you may have to take a short class.

    And if your going to babysit, you might as well find the good in those adorable little messy faces, because if you don't you may find it's going to be harder to find the compassion you need to do the job.

    And trust me you need compassion with kids because they will try your patients, and sometimes it'll look like they are doing it on purpose when they aren't. Of course sometimes they are doing it on purpose, but sometimes they aren't.

  14. Well there's really no easy way to say it but you cant really avoid that unless you put an age restriction like, "Kids ages 5-10" or whatever age limit youre looking to babysit.

    But in general, its best to be prepared before you actually start babysitting and have things happen. Learn how to care for children, bring DVD's of cartoons or something they would njoy wayching, know basic emergency things like the heimlich (sp) and first aid, and also its nice to know the kids your babysitting so have some questions to ask the mother about their kids... this will also help the mother feel safe to have you watching thier kids. Questions like, "What do they like to do?" "Where is all their food, pajamas, etc." "What are some contact numbers incase of emergency or I need to get ahold of you?" and whatever else you feel would be good to know for watching them.

  15. Just put an ad out that says you are looking to babysit non-freaky-icky babies:P

  16. You can baby-sit kids. Anyone like under 12 parents usually need a baby-sitter when they go out or work. Ask around and ask you r parents to ask around work. Best way is that and to put fliers all around the neighborhood if possible and ads in as many often/daily read newspaper.

  17. Start asking your family and friends if they need assistance with babysitting.  Then I would start asking them if they have any friends that may need you.  Make up some posters, or make a cute website, get some business cards.  Do it for close friends, family and by referrals. - Just be safe.  Good Luck

  18. pass out business cards or fliers on mailboxes.

  19. in the flyer, right from 5-10 or something like that. That way you aren't stuck with babies. Babysitting is a great experience.

  20. if you are just starting, ask family friends if they need a baby sitter and once you get comfortable, feel free to spread the word

  21. don't do it

  22. When you put a ad in a paper or up on a local board, just state what ages you prefer to work with. Some like...."Need a break?"......17 year old student looking to babysit 5-11 year olds. .....

    I would rather have someone specify. Seems more professional.

  23. ask family & friends- anyone ur parents or friends know etc. > baby sit a baby u know @ 1st then as u get acquainted u could start caring 4 other kids. Show that u r responsible &that u  could care& handle them. Plus u could also have some help from them > ex. aunt, uncle...etc.        Then when u r more into it u could put up an ad...

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