
How do I start cleaning my credit ?

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some people have told me not to settle the debts and just pay them off in full, but some go back to my college years 7-10 years old ...




  1. Use these three links below.

    Basic Credit Repair Strategy

    The basic strategy to repairing your credit is as follows:

    Get and review your credit report.

    Analyze your report.

    Make a list of all items you consider to be questionable or negative. Clearly identify each item in your report that you dispute, explain why you dispute the information,

    Write a dispute letter bureaus.

    Send the letter to the credit bureaus. Make sure you send it registered or certified mail.

    Document your efforts.Record when you sent your letters, and the results.

    Wait for the bureaus to investigate your claims.

    Analyze the results.


    Specialized techniquesWas the item deleted or changed to your satisfaction? You may continue steps 1, 2 and 3 above until you feel the dispute is settled satisfactorily. Remember, there is no charge for a reinvestigation. If you don’t get the results you want, dispute the listing again.

    Free Sample Letters

    What if a removed negative item comes back on my credit report?

    What if I get stuck and need help?

    That's all there is to it. Seems easy enough but you must have patience, because the credit bureaus are not always very cooperative. They make their money by providing credit reports to lenders not by fixing bad information in their databases.

    Their forum will help you for free also.

    Best wishes!

  2. See if this website can give you tools to help you clean your credit. I learned a lot just by watching her show.

    Good luck!

  3. get all your bills together or if you don't have them get your FICO/credit check in order, and start paying away. You can do it one by one in full, or little here and there to each of them... My opinion though, pay one at a time off in full, and most recent debt first. Why? Because the others are old debts already, they've already done their damage to your credit, the most recent debt still has time to turn around.

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