
How do I start college?

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I got army reserve benefits. I get the VA part but how do I get enrolled? What is the process?




  1. Check into schools you are interested in. You can look on-line at their websites and find the admissions section. You will get information about the application process, etc. Pay careful attention to the application deadlines for each semester. It's also helpful to talk to the admissions people in person or by phone. They should be fairly easy to reach. When you call, please remember that you will probably have some student answer the phone, so ask to speak to an admissions counselor personally.

    Different schools have different applications. You will need to complete the application for the specific school or schools you are considering. Also, you will need to have sealed transcripts from previous schools sent to them. But the application tells you all of that. If you have college credits already, you will need to have those sent. If you have no college credits, then your high school transcript will be required.

    It's also worth considering attending a community college in your area. It actually might not be to late to get enrolled this week. You would have to ask. They don't require any college board tests, and it's a good way to get adjusted to college. Best wishes!

    And by-the-way: Don't let the admissions process intimidate you. It's different at each school and can be totally confusing. Just keep asking questions. Even if they get tired of answering your questions, that's what they are paid for. Don't let anyone make you feel like giving up!

  2. Contact a counselor at the college you want to attend.

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