
How do I start looking for a job?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 20 and I am still working my first job. I work as an assistant for a politician. I have been here for 3 years now, so I think I have experience. My boss is running for a bigger position and there is a big possibilty of her winning. She hasn't mentioned anything about taking us with her. If she wins, she will be in that office by next year. I want to start looking now just in case. How to I even start?




  1. get off yahoo answers and go to monster or career builder

  2. How did you get your job in the first place?  Just try repeating that scenario.  Political jobs are here today and gone tomorrow.  Start looking yesterday.

  3. go down on her, this wwill make you become indispensable in this womans life

  4. Don't listen to these idiots, look first go to your boss and ask her striaght up, are we going with you when you win? if not I need to start looking for a way to support myself now, right boss. you may find out that you are so important to her that she takes for granted that you know your going with her, because you guys/gals are so tight after being together for so long... if not than take you expierence and find new work, yahoo/jobs is a good start for resumes..   good luck

  5. newspaper

  6. G.K., your boss is a politician! The first qualification of a decent politician is that they are able to use their influence to line up jobs for those that help them.

    Discuss this with her soonest. Don't hesitate to ask her to make some calls for you. How many people have you talked to on her behalf? Really, it's an expectation of every politician.

    I got my first high school job that way and continued to tap that source right through college. There is no reason it should not work for you.

    Good luck and happy hunting!

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