
How do I start making my science project with a poster board?

by Guest64039  |  earlier

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Its for a school science fair, because of summer vacations , i have lack of time now, only 2 months until we have it. it's the one where we have to make it on a poster board. i dont know what to do , as in what do you put on it. all i know what to put on it is the hypothesis and can't figure out what else. can some1 help tell me all the parts to it so i can make a full complete project? if you have gave me the parts to this science project, i also need examples to each step so i can understand what it is for and could be done right.




  1. well first im going to tell you that im not good at this but i have done it before but i dont remeber much... hope my tips help though....

    i did my project on speed/velocity/acceleration, and weight, i dont remeber my hypothesis but it was something like "how does the weight affect the speed of an object?" i used a skateboard and let it go down a hill, i timed it and made a chart that had the times i let the skateboard go down the hill which was 3X, the second time i put 2pounds on the skateboard and let it go and timed it again, the third time i added more weight and after i was done i wrote down the results,( the time). ( the skateboard strated from a certain place and ended at a certain place) an example: i made line on top of the hill and another line at the bottom, i put the board on the starting line and i started timing it as soon as i let it go and stopped the clock as soon as it reached the bottom line when i added weight was a different time on the clock, sorry but i dont remeber what else and i know my information i gave you might not be what you are looking for but it was a long time ago that i did this project

  2. I'm not going to help you because you didn't even think about my riddle.

  3. For ideas, try searching for "science project poster board". This site looks pretty good:

  4. Can't your parents help you?  Or a neighbor?  Or a teacher?  Don't cheat off someone else's idea.  Think of something you're curious about.  Walk around your house asking yourself why things do what they do or what would happen if you did ___ to something.  The remote, the soda bottle, the toaster, the pool skimmer, whatever.  

    Once you're interested in something, come up with two ways you can accomplish a task with the item.  Research the options.  Hypothesize which of the two ways will work best.  Test it.  Take before, during, and after photographs.  Record data daily.  Write up a final summary.  Display everything on the poster.  

    Surely you can use to help you come up with good science experiments, if you can't come up with anything on your own.  The point of the science project, though, is for you to actually research and test something you're interested in - not for you to put a whole bunch of stuff you don't care about on a posterboard.  Take some ownership of your education, child!

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