
How do I start teaching my toddlers to write and read?

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I have a 2 and 3 year old. They know their basic colors, the alphabet, they can count to 10 in english and spanish. How would I go about teaching them to write? I thought that I would first start teaching them shapes, how to draw them and then start showing them how to write the alphabet, would that be the right order? Any suggestions?




  1. They would benefit from any small motor activities: coloring, sorting objects, playdoh.

  2. let them be kids. don't ruin their child life. stop pressuring them. they deserve to have fun.

  3. that is an intdresting question.I used hooked onphonics

  4. I have a kid of 3 year old. When I observe the way she write, she doesn't seem to be able to control her finger strength.

    She tends to used a lots of strength when writing alphabet.

    In nursery class, her teacher doesn't really ask her to write alphabet as well, instead, she has homework that draw stroke.

    Her time is spent most on drawing.

    At home, I hardly ask her to write. Most of the time, I draw with her on any topics she want. I get some drawing guide book for her (those that has step by step on how to draw an object), and we draw together. Now she can draw quite a number of things. I am impressed.

    As for writing, her teacher has asked her to buy a rubber grip to be place around the pencil. She say that it help children to control the pencil when writing. She also mention that the pencil must be short.

    Hope this help.

  5. Why don't you teach them how to use their imagination and enjoy their lives?  They will be in school soon and if they can read and write they will still have to sit through all the same classes teaching the others to reaad anad write and they will be bored.  Toddlers need to play ...  childhood is short enough.

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