
How do I start the conversation about bein g*y?

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Okay well I'm going to tell my mother that I'm g*y, I'm not scared at all, well maybe a little nervous lol. but for the most part I'm not scared to tell her I just need help on how I should start off the conversation and what would be the best time. Thanks and SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY.




  1. just say "mom i need to talk to you" then just come out and say it(no pun intended)

  2. Mom, lets sit down and talk. I have something I want to talk to you about. I need your advice. You see, I'm g*y, I'm sure of it. It's nothing you did or anything, it's just the luck of the draw. I still want everything out of life that most people do, and I think I'm going to need your advice as I go along with this not to get distracted but still quietly go about my life. Do you think you can do that for me? I'm going to need your guidance and experience with life before I'm ready to go off on my own, and I want our relationship to be close and honest.  

  3. If you are close she probably already has her suspicions.  I don't know her, or you for that matter, but a little humor is always good.  Tell her that you won't be giving her any Grandchildren anytime soon and elaborate from there!  

  4. i would start with dont's

    dont make teh conversation too serious and tell mom that "MOM i have something serious to tell you".

    Dont use words like "may be". "I feel". Use more  absolute words like "Mom I know I am g*y"

    Now How do you start a conversation?

    Start the conversation about mother's favorite topic. Drive the conversation to how handsome/beauutiful a paticular person is.

    Then tell mom at an appropriate moment that you feel otherwise.

    and tell her you are g*y.

    well I have my coming out story for you here.

  5. It all depends on how you think shes going to react. If you think she may take it badly, then make sure it is in a place where she will have time to be alone and think about things. It is probably best that you are both alone together when you actually tell her, although maybe you would like someone there for support. Your best bet is to be as casual and relaxed as possible. Try not to make a huge deal out of it. Just say 'theres something i need to talk to you about'. And then say it. 'I'm g*y'. Simple as that...the less of a deal you make about it, the less of a deal she'll make out of it. I know you must be nervous, but at the end of the day, shes your mother and she should support you regardless.

    Good luck

  6. My brother went through this. Okay, this also depends on your relartionship with your mother, but asuming you're relaxed around her, this is the best thing you can do.

    First off, you don't want anyone else in your family to be involved for the moment, so make sure it's only you and her together. You can suggest having dinner together, or something. But, at this point, you don't need to make it obvious that you have something to say.

    Once you're together, doing whatever you've arranged, tell her you need to get something off your chest. (( Do this, though, when you're not in the middle of a different conversation. ))

    Then come straight out with it. Try and do it at the begininng of the evening. This way your mum will be able to adjust to it for a bit. This way, when the whole evening is over everything will be relaxed and comfortable, just how it was before you told her!

    That's what happened with my brother and my mum. Now everything is great. Loads of luck, darling =) xoxo

  7. Well, a lot of it really depends on what style of talk you typically have with your mom. I always talked better with mine while we were doing stuff like cooking or cleaning so we could talk about important without having the intimidation factor of seeing each other's facial reactions. Having something to do with your hands helps cut down on anxiety too. Maybe that, or sit her down with a nice drink (alcoholic, tea, juice whatever floats her boat) in a nice quiet time of day. Let her know that it's important and that you really want her to listen to what you have to say. You need her attention for this.  

  8. I don't know how you should do it, but I blurted it out kind of like this:

    Her: Hey what do you want to e--

    Me: IM g*y.

    Her: Oh sh*t.

    And that is not a desirable response.

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