
How do I stash my stash when flying overseas?

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How do I stash my stash when flying overseas?




  1. Well its not that tricky too be exacted.  I went throw MPLS/STP airport and The guys didnt even really check my wallet.  I couldve snook 10 joints in my wallet if i wanted too.   In San francisco it was almost the same.  But if not that. Put it on the side of your leg next to your ball sack.  Tape it when so the smell doesnt get out.  Good Luck....

  2. Don't do it unless you plan on not returning for several years.  The laws for contraband drugs overseas are a lot more serious compared to the United States.

  3. squeeze it between your buttcheeks until you get on the plane

    *in a bag or 2, of course!!*

    then, when u get on the plane, go to the bathroom, and put it in your shoe

    when you go to sit back down, put it in one of your luggage bags

    and you're good to go

    *i watch a lot more tv than i should...*

  4. Well firstly what the h**l is your stash?

    and why the h**l are you flying it over seas you fruit loop!!!

    Is it drugs? lol

    If it is you should consider trying hugs, not drugs...

  5. Foolproof method.

    1/ Wrap it in sandpaper. Make sure the rough side is on the outside. Make it a really coarse grade sandpaper.

    2/ Rub  a DeepHeat type ointment on the outside.

    3/ Now jam it as far up your r****m as you can.

    4/ Post photos on the web of your face. I would love to see it.

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