
How do I stay away from fatty foods and eat healthier?

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Its not that I'm fat, its just I need to start eating better but I cant help stopping at the local fast food restraunt...HELP




  1. You need to eat a lot more fruits- every 2 hours eat an apple,banana, orange or something.

  2. Determination and will power...Decide what you want and go get it!  If you say you're done eating fast food then BE done.  It is only hard in the beginning, after you start feeling better from not eating it you won't even think about it anymore.  You can do it, Good Luck  :)

  3. Watch this:

    part 1:

    part 2:

    It will help you understand exactly what you are putting into your body and where it comes from. And if thats not enough to make you avoid fast food I don't know what is :)

    The best way to eat healthy is to become vegan. In a vegan diet you can easily get all the nutrients your body requires, without all the negative affects associated with eating animal products (ie. heart disease, cancer, obseity, diabetes, etc).

    Check out the links below if you want to see some info on it :)

  4. It's Hard I know, but it is just will power.

    You gotta get into the mind set,

    do u wanna end up or be stuck as some fat blob for the rest of your youth just because you could ignore a couple cheeseburgers or a snack or two. people peal off weight just from not drinking soda.

    Maybe you could work it down in small doses.

    like say for example u have Hungry Jacks/burger king on the weekends and maccas through the week.

    well stop having junk food on your weekends now and each week make sure you take a day off during the week and not eat any junk food then either, and the next week take off and extra day and keep working down from that,

    their are some lovely healthy foods out there,

    ya just gotta pick up the slack.

    good luck!

  5. Every time you have the sudden urge to pull in a fast food restaurant, stop and put the money you would have spent in an envelope.  Keep it all together at home...don't forget.  Also:  Keep healthy snacks handy at all times. It's much easier to fight the urge to purge at McDonalds if you have something you can munch on in your car.   Even if you snack several times a day, it is much healthier than one fast food meal.  I keep things like nutrigrain/ fruit and cereal bars, whole grain crackers, or reduced-fat cheese crackers in my car all the time.  Things that don't spoil....I just throw them in a bag, or rubbermaid shoe box under the seat.  NOW, every week or so, look at your envelope and see how much your saving in addition to eating healthier and feeling better about yourself.  I sometimes use the saved money to buy something nice for myself....good incentive.  Good luck

  6. i used to be like that.but now i hardly ever eat junk food and usually when i do i feel sick so i never eat it except panda express and subway(good and healthy!).  you say its hard cause you see all these foods that look so good but are so just eat fruit and veggies.but just try out different fruits and veggies and when you find the ones you like buy them.

    my favorite two snacks are cranberries ocean spray, applesauce,and peaches. oh and straw ,berries. grapes, and berries. every time you see junk food remember that eating that is signing you for an early grave. and also i scared myself from eating McDonalds and other burger joints. This is true they get sick cows and put this parasite in them which eats the bacteria. then they cook the cow and serve it to what your really eating is dead cow with bugs. so i never really eat junk food except pizza once in a while.oh and instead of burgers eat veggie burgers.they are so good. i also never eat hot dog since it is left over meat put together. the real color of a hot dog  is black they just color dye it.

    hope i helped

  7. the key is to stop thinking and craving for fatty foods. simply put, distract yourself w/ music, chores, etc whatever that puts your mind away. also, think of the concenquences. you dont have to be fat to be unhealthy. all the fatty foods will eventuallly haunt you later, making you a victim of diet relating diseases such as heart attack, diebetes, watever. in order to live life to the fullest, treat your only body well and stay away from the addictives

  8. After you have eliminated simple carbs like junk food/sweets, it takes about two-three weeks and you won't crave those types of food anymore.  

    Try to only purchase healthy food to have in your house and always keep a baggie full of granola, sunflower seeds or cut-up veggies in your car and when you drive by a fast food restaurant, dig into your snack bag.

  9. Go to the grocery store and make food at home... its not hard to drive away from McDonalds... No offense. LOL

    Subway is a good alternative

    Seeking the advice of a dietitian is probably good as well.  

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