He still lives across the street from me. For as long as I've been in college he has been my best friend so much that I pushed all my friends away so I could just be with him all the time and it didn't help that none of my friends liked him or wanted to be around him. I always break up with him because he always does something to crush me like put his friends ahead of me or blow me off or show interest in someone else or never wants to go out or do anything. Every time I break up with him, I go right back with him and it's espcially hard with him living directly across the street, I can see who is over there, what he's doing. He always has a bunch of people over all the time, which makes me especially jealous and I feel like I'm missing out and extra lonely. I need to break up with him and finalize it but it seems like no matter how hard I try I always end up calling him or accepting his invitations or answering his calls. I feel powerless and unable to resist him but I know I need to sever ties with him in order to finally be happy again and to stop feeling like a used push over control-less, powerless, friendless, sleepless, emotional-wreck, akward loser. I just don't know how to overcome this. Part of me even tells myself that once you b/u with him, he'll notice how much he misses me and come back a totally changed man. But then my better conscience says he needs to go for good, he's burned me too many times and I'm tired and he will do it again if I let him, if I go back to him. So now that we're broken up, how do I stay broken up? Where do you find the will power to deprive yourself of someone you really love and care for? How do you not give in to that temptation? How do you avoid those feelings of urgency that grow stronger and stronger each day you don't see him or hear from him? I feel like I'm on crack. Any NA's/ AA's out there? How did you give up your addiction? How did you fight that power? Where did you find it in you?