
How do I stay fit over the summer break?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15, play back row and need to get fit over the summer to hit the ground runnning at the beginning of next season.

What kind of thing should I do?




  1. Play back row myself bro, keep general fitness, on off season i train.

    mon - Strength training @ gym

    tues - Medium run 4/5miles plus sprints

    wed - Strength @ gym

    thur - Run and sprints

    fri - Strength training

    sat - Drink guiness.mmm

    sun - Drink Guiness.mmm

    Seriously tho keep it medium til 6 weeks before seaso then up it, remeber pain is weakness leaving the bod. Gd luck

  2. Hello there,

    Lots of things to do.

    Forget one thing :

    Never stop moving !


  3. Running, swimming, go to the gym.  I know our local leisure centre has special concessions for people of your age to have a gym membership.

    In my line of work I see so many unfit kids that can't even walk around for the day.  I'm really impressed.  Go you!!!

  4. Back row, must be fit to keep up with the game,

    aim to go on long distance runs atleast 1nce a week

    short sprints at least twice a week.

    hit the gym 3 times a week. replace the LDR with some swimming on some weeks! where in the backrow do you play?gd luck!

  5. Firstly have a 2 week complete break from all training...Let the body recover from the season.

    Then you need to put in the time to improve muscle mass, and improve cardiovascular fitness.

    The cardio can be anything....Try to do between 30-60 minutes work 3-4 times a week.


    Start on try line, walk to 22, jog to 1/2 way, run to far 22, sprint to far try line. Hands behind head (opens up chest to make breathing easire) for 15 seconds, and repeat. Do ten of these in a session linked with a longer 2km run. Then finish the session off on a bike.

    To put on muscle mass use excersises using your own body weight - push ups, sit ups etc. Don't go down the gym and try to shift huge weights. At 15 your joints are going to take the strain and you could injure yourself. Swimming is a great thing here - builds muscle, makes you work hard and will also give you a cardio workout as well.

    Do this kind of training on the days you are not doing the cardio. Link it with some work on your footwrok. Drills from SAQ See link: will help improve your springint and help develop a side step. These are the drills Jason Robinson used to help develop his 'quick feet'.

    Some people swear by having an ice bath after a very heavy helps the body recover. Up to you...but please take about this!

    Always have a least 1 full day of rest every week. Have a healthy balanced diet at all times, but on the rest day allow yourself any food stuff you want (within reasonable amounts).

    Work on passing ball skills when you can... Keep the hand and eye co-ordination going.

    If you are training hard remember to stretch. The more pliable you the less likey to get injured. Pilates or yoga may help (Richie MacCaw uses pilates to help with his core strength and flexibility).

    If you can watch some of the summer rugby tours. Keep an eye on your number (6, 7 or 8) where they, what the are doing, how they do it. If you can watch the match from 'behind the goalposts' it will make it much easier to see this!

    Lastly 3-4 weeks before the season is due to begin crank it up a little (Up everything by 10-20% every session).

  6. In addition to the good answers,  I incorporate lots of recovery rate exercises such as Fartlek (variable speed) training and short sprint training on top of general fitness and weights.

    Sure, do weights which build general strength and some positional specific ones, but as you're 15, not too heavy a workload eh!

    I'm not the biggest or quickest, I'm a 5'10 openside, (I know, I'm short), ,but I'm one of the fittest and can keep my work rate up all day.

    More importantly, do something you enjoy, it will be less of a burden, I love the Concept II Rower for example.

  7. swimming and rollerblading

  8. I guess you could start running... or just doing more active things. Even brisk walks or swimming is good..

    Wish you all the best! x

  9. Pretty simple really, exercise ruglarly... dosn't matter what you do as long as it increases your heart rate, jogging, swimming, cycling.

  10. s*x

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