
How do I stay focused in school and obtain a 4.0 GPA?

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My freshman year was a bad one for me. I had a 3.0 GPA throughout the school year. I realized how important school was so I quit football and almost all other uneccessary school things. I've started S.A.T. classes and I'm at the top of the food chain; I've outscored juniors, seniors, and sophmores who are taking advanced math classes, AP classes, and are really smart. How do I focus to get a 4.0? Many professors have told me that I have SERIOUS potential but I don't exert it. How do I obtain a 4.0 GPA for Sophmore year? I'm planning to go to UCSD for pharmacy. I'm not taking any advanced or HONORS classes, and I'm going to Geo. next year. How do I obtain a 4.0 GPA?




  1. It seems like you are well on your way. If you keep focused on your schoolwork like you are, you will most likely be able to acomplish your 4.0 GPA. But remember, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". Remember to reward yourself for your acomplishments.

  2. AHHHH!!!

    Ok, you need a good GPA and all, but you NEED extra curricular activities! I mean NEED! Colleges take those into HUGE consideration.

    If you take honors classes, the As count for a 5.0 to be averaged in. Don't worry about your SATs already if you're a sophomore; start again when you're a junior. Good luck hon!

  3. well from what it sounds like kid you sound focused enough. my advice is don't worry about "staying focused" you are focused. Get to work, you'll be fine.

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