
How do I stay for 6 months in Colombia?

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I know a visa is good for 60 days, and you can go to DAS and get an extra month or so. But is there some kind of visa I can get for that period of time? (6 months) What do I need to do to get permission to do that? I went to the colombian embassy website but I could not find and answer. PLEASE HELP!




  1. You may just need to call the embassy and ask.  may not be possible, but you can ask. see site below for phone number.

  2. The Cedula for foreigners is good for two years. (I have one) But you have to get a VISA first. This requires a trip to the VISA office near Calle 93. Costs about 175 dollars and you have to pay in Pesos. Then AFTER you get the VISA you can get the Cedula. Its a royal pain.. takes two whole days and about 10 for the cedula to issued. (VISA is issued right then and there) Good luck.. and I hope you like waiting in lines.

  3. I know you can get a "celdula de extrangeria" which is a ID for forgeins and  it is durable for 3 months but you can renew it so I think this will work for you google what is in quotes and try to find something in english so far spanish.

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