
How do I stay in shape for the cross-country season during a knee injury?

by  |  earlier

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I am a cross-country runner and a track distance runner. During half of the cross-country season last year, I had shinsplints. During the entire track season last year, I hurt my knee (both) and got shin splints. My shin splints went a way when I stopped running but my knees still hurt. I have stopped running for a month and 3 weeks now. My left knee hurts while my right knee has stopped hurting. I am training for cross-country this season but I don't want to injure my knee even more. Is there a way I can stay in shape? Are there any exercises I can do that does not impact my knees?

Please and Thanks.




  1. I would get your knees checked out with a doctor. It could be a growing problem or just the fact running is hard on your body and yours is taking a bit to adjust to it. You need to get the cause sorted out first. Then you can do the correct stretches and strengthening for the problem. Maybe you need orthotics in your shoes? Keeping fit. When I have have broken foot bones I aqua jogged. I even do 2 hour sessions to replicate 2 hour runs, and 50m lengths fast/ 50m slow to represent mile reps and 5m sprints going as fast as I could, and all this kept me very fit and I did not lose ay condition over 4 weeks. Bit boring but if you are determined then just replicate you running times in the pool. For normal runs you could do normal swimming or biking if this is OK for your knee, BUT SORT THAT KNEE OUT FIRST!

  2. I would say swimming and possibly spinning with not much resistance on a starionary bicycle.

    Talk you your coach and a physical therapist.

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