
How do I stay patient with my 2 and a half year old?

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I am 36 weeks pregnant and I think that I am losing my mind. It seems that every little thing that my 2 year old does drives me bonkers. I don't know if it feels like he is not listening to me or he really is not. I have tried everything to discipline him appropriately, but i find that nothing works and he is not getting it. I am ready to pull my hair out and I am SOOO scared about what he is going to be like when the baby comes, how on earth am I going to be able to handle it with out being admitted to an insane asylum????

I know that I asked this in the toddler section but I wanted to get the pregnant ladies advice and experience too.




  1. I feel your pain. I also have a 2 and a half year old. He doesn't listen to a word I say and it seems like he's gotten more hyper too. What I usually do is get on the computer to calm myself down then I can deal with him better.

  2. Take your child outside and let them run around A LOT. Let them get tired out with lots of exercise outdoors. This is a super healthy and rich form of stimulation for toddlers. Don't be afraid to let your child get really-dirty! I teach my kids that road dirt is off-limits and unhealthy. But the beach, the woods, etc, this is natures playground.

    When my kids were that age, I gave them a special drawer in the kitchen with pots and pans and stuff they were allowed to get into and make noise and pretend with.

    Letting the water run in the bathtub, even with the drain open can be a lot of fun for them to play with.

    Let your kids jump and climb, even in the house. Try to find a way to make it possible.

    Do not expect your toddler to sit still and watch TV.

    NO SODA!!! Water is best. I call it Earth Juice to little kids and they think it sounds cool. The brain works best when properly hydrated.

    A good, healthy meal really affects kids behavior. Things like wheat toast, peanut butter and fruit, homemade stews and brown rice are easy to make and way better than anything that went through a machine first, and had to have vitamins added back in.

    Also, it is very important to develop an extended family network. To let you get some time to yourself. If you don't have relatives to help you, be sure to find a playgroup or other way to meet mom's and kids so you can arrange play dates and trade babysitting.

  3. just keep in mind that if you are frustrated, he is probably more so. to help him cope with a new sibling, buy him a baby doll. until the baby acutally gets here, teach him to love the baby and kiss the baby and be sweet with the baby. im not even pregnant yet and my 2 1/2 year old already knows to love babies because i taught him with a doll.

  4. I run a daycare and I've found myself "losing it" over simple things. I've come to determine that it is me and not the kids. Wait until your hormones balance out after the baby comes to decide that its your kid. Chances are...its us!! another joy of pregnancy!

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