
How do I stick up for myself + be more confident? (Teenage girls)?

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I'm not bullied but I don't stick up for myself! I need to learn so can any one help? ALSO I'm not confident and every year on my school report teachers write I need to talk more & things like that - what can I do?




  1. This is really tough cause there isn't one thing anyone could say that will make it better but you need to have a little bit of an uncaring attiude. Like forget it if people odn't like u now don't become a slob or anything but just as u get older you will relize that firls say mean things because they are jelous or just plain mean!  

  2. I'm not a teenage girl but I work with alot in my line of business and deal alot of confidence issues so I thought I'd chime in.

    First off (unfortunately) there's not a book or 3 step process to suddenly being confident.  Confidence comes from within (yes I know, easier said than done).

    First ask yourself why you're not confident.  Most confidence issues come from you feeling that you're lacking something that "everybody else has".  Or perhaps you have glasses or braces - something that makes you feel like you "stick out".

    Next, realize that every teen really no matter what circle they run in desires the same thing - to fit in, be well liked and be respected by those around them.  If you treat those around you that way you'll find it comes back to you.

    At the end of the day you MUST be happy with yourself.  If you're happy with yourself then it doesn't matter what other people think about you.  At the end of the day you have to answer to yourself.  If you're falling short of your own expectations then do something to change that.

    In my line of work I deal alot of physical confidence issue - I'm not sure if that's the center of your issue the first thing you need to do is accept yourself.  You are who you are and there's only one of you in the entire world.  That, in and of itself is worth celebrating.  This of course is the hardest part becuase you liking yourself is something nobody can do for you.  It means you have to put behind all the things above and KNOW that you're right, just the way you are and be willing to defend to that belief no matter what someone says.

    And understand that EVERYONE has something physically about themselves they're not crazy about.  

    Confidence issues tend to make you feel like you're less of a person or not as good as those around you.  Once you figure out how to move beyond that you'll find sticking up for yourself becomes easier.  The best way to learn how to beat that....try it :-)

    Once you do be prepared becuase you'll have a few things happening.

    You'll feel empowered, and that's a good thing.  You'll be proud of yourself, and that's a good thing.  Don't let it go to your head though or else people will think you're on a power trip and it will start to work against you.

    Next, if those around you aren't used to you asserting yourself you might be met with a little resistance, and that's ok.  We train those around us how to treat us by our actions (if people are you to you just going along with it and not voicing your opinion when you start doing that it could catch people off guard).  People will get used to it.  Don't let other people hold you back.

  3. okay i can help you on this in 7th and 8th grade i was so quiet and diddent reall talk! but when i went to hs. i was like the loudest most obnoctios person there! lmao its a good feeeling. the best thing to do is to be urself aand be funny i know this sounds weird but when theres a testt or somthing be like f*** i diddent know there was a test.  or evenn if u did studyyy helpp ppll out like i love ppl who give me answers loll its just somthing so ppl no that ur not like all freakish.  when ppl talk to u look them in the eyes lmao cuase if u look down or osmthing it will make u seem like embaresed.  and dont be truse me.  just be funnny and playing spports is a great way to get to know ppl to.  just talk to them if there talkking aobut somthing like grammer schoool or a teacher last year or partiess just be like omg me too or somthing just try to include urself in the convo.  im serous if u start talking around a little it will help :]

    goood luck!

  4. Don't be ashamed to be who you are.

    :] Talk to people, answer questions in class..

    And if someone says something rude, say something rude back!

    Or just know inside that they're insecure.

    Either way, put yourself out there, don't ever be afraid of what others think. You could join Speech class, where they do speeches and such in front of the class..

    I hated that class at first, but after a while you can speak in front of anyone and not be nervous lol :]

    Good luck!


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