
How do I stop a friend's friend from adding me on Facebook?

by  |  earlier

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I got a request from my friend's friend to add me, but I really don't want to add him. I already switched my privacy settings so he can't search for me, but he's added to my friend and I wrote many wall posts on my friend's page. Even though I switched my privacy settings, can he still see my wall posts on my friend's site? If so, how do I make sure he doesn't see them? Thanks.




  1. You could block him and he could assume that he was blocked, but not know for sure. But also, what's the worst thing that would happen if he friended you? You could just deny his facebook friendship, and that way you wouldn't have to worry about it again either.

  2. if he already added you but you havent accept just click Ignore for the friend request. or if you already accpted, then you can delete him. well defintely he can see the post on your friend's wall. if you want to talk about something that you dont want him to know, why dont you send message through the facebook? by clicking inbox on the top.

  3. if you ignore him the friend request would go away. he would see that the request was not answered but that's it. He can still see your posts on your friend's site though. Do you have a reason to be this concerned? If he's stalking you that's illegal but if you just don't want to be friends then keep ignoring him

  4. If you have written things on your friend's wall and he can see your friends wall, he will see your posts. But if your privacy settings are strong enough, he won't even be able to click on your name, just see that you are the one that wrote it.

    If you block him, he will still be able to see the wall posts but won't know for sure that you blocked him. I know how you feel though...I hate it when people I don't know friend request me. If you ignore his request, he won't be notified or anything like that. If he isn't paying too close of attention, he might not even notice or will think he just forgot to add you.

    Hope this helps :)

  5. just block him

  6. If your worried about a "friend's Friend" just go and cancel your facebook, or go see a doctor or a cop doctor for help cop for stalking, but the way you make it seem it sounds like "your mom wont let you have any friends over the Internet because she thinks there Creepers"

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