
How do I stop animals from getting into my garbage without harming them?

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I hate picking up trash outside but I love animals and I don't want any harm to come to them. Can someone please help? I tried pepper but it doesn't stay.




  1. Try large amounts of pepper

  2. Get better quality trash cans?

  3. Hi,

    How r u ?

    Well I have the same problem I dont know where you are from but here in New Zealand we use plastic rubbish bags and tie them up at the top and leave them at the gate for the rubbish truck to pick up so I started to use fly sprey I sprey all over the bags including handles and the bottom it works great here even stops the cats ripping them open it wont harm them they just dont like the smell and taste of it

  4. Take your garbage to a dumpster.  Or don`t put your garbage out till you see the truck coming.  A new better garbage can will help for a short time, but bless them the garbage boys can tear up an anvil in a padded cell in a couple of months.

  5. bleach

  6. Put some bleach in a spray bottle and spray your garbage cans. The animals wont come near it.

  7. Try putting a brick or cinder block on the lid with the lid pushed down on them so they cant knock them over. Buy a little metal cart for them to sit in together so they can be rocked back and forth to get them to topple  and you might want to get a bungee cord to loop the handles together strapping the lid down tightly.  Also If you do a good job of sorting your trash, rinsing your bottles and milk cartons,  using your disposer, saving your eggshells etc, for a compost , there will be less in there to attract them, buy good garbage bags that you tie tightly, and maybe they wont want to come play with your trash. Also might want to try to put a burlap or cotton filled bag of moth balls on the handel of your trash can, many animals dislike that smell.

      If you don't have a garbage disposal or are able to compost your food waste, consider installing a disposer to help ith that a bit, or getting a little natural food disposer and being all eco friendly and helping the earth! (at home earth worm food disposer they are cool, I've been thinking of getting one for the kids!)

  8. Depends on the animal, but better trash cans usually do the job.  

  9. buy a rolling cart made out of wire.  they are made specifically for hauling and protecting garbage cans.  it makes it much more convenient to roll the cans out for pickup too.  

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