
How do I stop being jealous of my friend?

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Im not really usually a jealous person but recently Ive been really jealous of one of my best friends, she seems to have eveything and it just makes me feel bad when I compare myself to her. Shes like 5' 8 skinny but still has b***s, gets good grades,has a great boyfriend, has a nice house, and nice summer house, gets almost anything she wants from her parents (her dad is president of an oil company ) good personality and she is throwing a big 16th bday party and getting a lexus as her gift from her parents.

I know I sound stupid and immature but recently this has just been bugging me. How do I stop being jealous of my friend?




  1. she has all of these things, but how many true friends does she have, does she have a true passion for a hobby or does she just go out and watch movies and shop. Does she have dreams? I had a friend like that, she seemed to have everything, but when we graduated from high school ( this past may), most of her so-called friends left her and she has no clue what to do with the rest of her life.

    What i am trying to say is that sure, in the material world she has everything, but you know that all your friends hang out with you because of you!, not what you have. Just concentrate on what brings you joy, find a hobby that you just love to do, and find what you want to do with your life. If you figure some of these things out, you dont need to know what you are going to do with your life until it comes to you, you should be happy that you have a place in the world and have un-materialistic things that make you happy.

  2. It's not  jealousy....It's envy!! Start by being happy for her and focus on yourself. As you get older you realize that someone will always be prettier, happier, wealthier, and someone will probably feel the same about you. Be glad you are her friend and enjoy being friends. It's better than having a friend that is miserable, feels unattractive, unhappy. They have a saying misery enjoys company. So you can look at it as she is always in a good mood and positive. Which  you should always surround yourself with positive people, it's motivating. We do the best we can, as long as you feel you have.

  3. its fine to be jealous,im totally like that too sometimes..just don't let it get to you..make a list of everything good about you..and see what u come up with.

  4. Honestly, You can't make ur self stop be jelous of ur friend it comes natrualy.......i had the same problem.. i try to ignore it but it didnt work i just started to think aobut how what i have is great and i love it.. mabe you should think about how much stuff u have a how great that stuff is to u .... u dont need everythign to be perfect

  5. I'll be honest, I have a lot of friends that seem like they have it so much better than me, but you gotta look at what is NOT being shown. People hide hurt and pain really good sometimes. She may have all this material things but she also have things hiding inside of her that you really woudln't want. Yeah, it's nice to have the looks or the things but you never know how she feels about it. She may be tale and skinny and have b***s but you know what, she may not like the attention. She really may be hiding a lot of different things in her life. Just remember that your life could a LOT worse. You have to look at what you have and be thankful for it!

  6. I totally don't think that what you are going through right now is stupid. Although, Im pretty sure that insecurity is quite normal for teenagers like you. However, don't worry dear, because soon you will outgrow this phase.

    You may think that this friend of yours is the definition of perfection, but she is not. Believe me. Let me put it this way, maybe she is taller, but you know height is overrated... Petite girls are waaaaay sexier... Maybe she is richer, but you are wealthier in terms of the rich love you share with your family and friends.

    Plus! based on my personal observation, girls who are pretty young become less good looking as they mature, while high school "plain janes" usually become drop dead gorgeous as years pass by..

    you are beautiful girl!

  7. well you kno what dont worry because even tho a lot of ppl dont admit it, basically every friend is jealous of the other. i bet shes jealous of u somehow. and u kno what else? she may put on a smile and always be happy, but she could be going through rough stuff. good luck :)

  8. This sounds really corny, but you don't always know whats going on in someone else's life. I thought my friend was perfect too...turned out she had tried alcohol and cut herself once...

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