
How do I stop being so nersous when I'm with the guy I'm dating?

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I like him so much that I feel sick to my stomach when I'm with him. I have this feeling that you have before you have an exam. Please help. How do I stop being so nervous with him?




  1. this answer will probably get a few thumbs down, but have a couple of shots of whiskey or something to calm your nerves before you meet up with him. not enough to make you be drunk and talk $hit, just enough to do the trick.

  2. I'm wondering if you feel secure in this relationship.  Does he give you reason to believe that he might not be all that interested or that he's considering ending the relationship?  

    I've had this feeling before when I really liked a guy and it felt like there was a lot riding on every encounter with him.  It's unnerving, and shouldn't last if things are going well.  Is it possible that you have an anxiety disorder?

  3. well i think you just need to control yourself, this happens when you meet a new person or attending some new things like you you mentioned before like have been dating him for a long time, you must be so close with him now, you know him more now.. so i want to tell you that let go your a smart woman!!

    Good luck!!

  4. you must realize that you have him already, and have had him for a long time. it may do a wonder to sit down with him, and talk to him about how you fell.

    Realize the cause of your anxiety, does HE make you nervous?

    Or do you yourself, and your fear of messing up make you nervous?

    either one can be handled with a serious talk between the two of you. kiss him when you are nervous, he wont mind! ask him to hold you, and know that you are together because you care for eachother!

  5. There can be a lot of reasons why you feel like this. You have to step back and really look at your situation. It sounds like he makes you uncomfortable. Maybe you guys just aren't meant to be. I mean it's understandable to be a little nervous around him if you like him a lot, but you said you have been dating him for a long time. I don't know anything about you or your boyfriend, but is it possible you could be a little self conscious? That could be what's making you uncomfortable. I hope I helped a little! :)

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