
How do I stop being so nervous???

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I am singing a song in church 3 times this weekend and i am sooooo nervous. I've done it a million times but it still doesn't help. I always turn really red and i always mess up. HELP ME!!!!




  1. Thats ok buddy,

    To whom are you singing, for god or the people.


  2. think happy thoughts but don't lose concentration

  3. Try to imagine that nobody is there, that you're all alone. That might help. Being confident in yourself could also help. Also don't look at people's face's, look at there hair. Good Luck!

  4. Hey, by all means, you have nothing to worry about! Let's put this situation into some categories.

    1. You are a great singer (so I can assume) and you will probably do great.

    2. You are in a church! Assuming you are catholic when I say this, God will be watching over you, He always does

    3. If you DO make a mistake, again you are in church, no one is going to laugh at you or say "wow, that girl made a mistake, did you hear that!" It is highly unlikely someone will even notice that.

    Remember, it's human nature to want to do things right and everything, and no one wants to be embarrassed, but it's the mistakes that make the good things in life that much sweeter!

  5. Hello "u don't need to know that". Real cute name, by the way. I am a singer, too. I used to be crazy nervous and shy. Now when I sing, I do lots of things that help me shake the nerves. Before I sing, I ask God to touch and open hearts while I sing so that people can gain a closer relationship with Him. While singing, I try to remember who I am singing for...God (not the actual congregation). I try to get a picture of God being proud of me, enjoying the song and the fact that I wish to please Him. Also, I think of the song and how it relates to my life. Do I believe it? How has it touched me? Finally, if I can't make myself look into the congregation, I look straight ahead at the clock on the wall and sing the song how I sing it when I'm in the shower or when nobody is looking!

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