
How do I stop being so scared?

by  |  earlier

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I previously just broke up with a guy who didn't treat me very well...and I am honestly still not over the jerk.

However, I'm in college now...and I met this amazing guy at my school. He knew some stuff about the guy i dated and he knows how bad he treated me. Well, it's been a week...and this new guy has been texting me a lot and trying to get to know me more. He even asked me out on a date! In addition, he always calls me beautiful ( unlike the other guy...who just said i look really cute or just...great). But anyway, I can't seem to get away from this jerk...he keeps on asking me out on dates still...but I can't ever decline from them =[ Plus, I feel like it's not fair to the other guy as well...even though he does know that i'm still hurt and he has been a big help to help get over him. It's just that the new guy is PERFECT...and I'm not used to perfect =[




  1. You might want to try growing up.  

    I can't find a single reason why you wouldn't want to go with that PERFECT guy.

  2. Learn to say no to the jerk. Its not that you can't decline. Maybe more that you don't want to decline.

    You just have to take a chance with the new guy. It may not work out. But if you don't try, You'll never know.

  3. "he keeps on asking me out on dates still...but I can't ever decline from them"


    He is a jerk - what are you doing talking to him? You NEED to stop seeing/talking to him. You will not be able to move on otherwise.

    I know this sounds hard but please just remember that the best way is often the hardest way. If you want to move on, the only person that can do it is you. Start talking to the new guy more and he will help keep your mind off of the jerk. Just make sure you cut him off (the jerk).

  4. grow some brains and go out with the perfect guy geez

  5. I wish I could be as lucky as this new guy.  I lead a lonely life.

    Start responding more to his calls and be more friendly and flirty.  s***w the jerk who didn't treat you well.  Guy's like that don't deserve kind, pretty young women. I guess you just gotta get over him.  He was a jerk, no? Forget him.  New guy = nice = not scary.

  6. grow some ballz

  7. Jenny,

    You have to cut the jerk off...Cease from talking to him. It's part of moving on. You have an amazing guy in your sights who understands you...You should say yes to the amazing guy, once you start dating him, you will not want to go back to that jerk ever again, you will be glad you did...

    By the way, nobody is perfect, as you get to know him, you will see some flaws but nothing like the jerk...Happy dating!!!  

  8. You got to tell this jerk to stay out of your life. Tell him you are not interested and you deserved to be treated a lot better than you were treated by him. I know what you are going through i was treated very badly and have recently met someone else who treats me like a goddess tells me i am beautiful, i must admit i would argue with him at first because i didnt believe him that i was beautiful or s**y etc but as time as gone on i am now starting to believe him. What you ex has done is knock your confidence and self esteem adn it will take time to get it back and it sounds like this new guy is just what you need, go out on a date with him enjoy his company and take his compliments as the are ment he is telling you the truth your ex will make you feel worthless he wont change.  

  9. give the new guy a shot, the jerk had his chance. new guy wants a shot, give him a shot.

  10. Lose the jerk and tell the new guy that your not ready to just jump into anything yet. Take it slow.

  11. trust me he isnt perfect, the more you get to know each other the more you will find out about him and im pretty sure their will be plenty of things bothering you about him

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