
How do I stop calls for someone who does not live in my house?

by  |  earlier

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I am receiving calls from bill collectors for someone who has never, to my knowledge, lived at this address. I have changed my phone number, had it "unlisted", and still receive these calls several times a week. Even after repeatedly telling these companies to refrain from calling as the person they are trying to reach is not at this number, they still won't stop. How can I end these harrassing phone calls?




  1. I would use another phone company who has a privacy protection plan.

  2. try the "Do Not Call List" or talk to your phone service provider and ask to block them.

  3. I have that problem once in a while and I get real nasty with the caller and they will have someone else call who can take you off the list.

  4. Sounds to me like someone who knows you is giving them your number. I would contact the phone company and also get on the do not call list. You can do that by going to your state website.

  5. there is only one thing you can do....that works right-a-way....get a callerID manager..!

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