
How do I stop cats and dogs from peeing on my flowers and garden?

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Besides the obvious of keeping them away, I can't keep the stray animals away from it at night. We've spent a lot of money getting our yard the way it is and it's all being ruined by the animals. The flowers are dying. Is there anything we can put in the garden that will make dogs and cats not want to pee there?




  1. iDK Seriously

  2. I heard that if you place moth balls around your garden it will deter most animals from even approaching the garden. But for some reason the smell of moth balls will attract a fox. Go figure.

  3. eggshells cats dont like them put them in the garden and they wont come back

  4. pour ammonia where you do want them to pee and they will use that spot

  5. I have to agree with girl#2 and guy#4 because of its natural

    usage. The onions with do it for sure and the eggshells I too

    have heard cats dont like them - good luck and good gardening.

  6. YES! You can buy a chemical at PetsMart to sray or sprinkle on your yard that actually smells horrible to cats and dogs. I used something called Stay Away a while back.I'm not sure they make that particular product any longer, but you can always ask the sales assoc. @ PetsMart. that's what they are there for! Good Luck, I know it is disappointing to work so hard to get your yard looking nice for some stray to come mess it all up!

  7. You can put certain kinds of sprays and there is also treats you can give the dogs

  8. There are several things you can do.

    1. call animal control

    2. go to  your hardware or Walmart and buy what they call blood meal and sprinkle it around your  plants.  Plus it is good for your garden.

    3.  build yourself a rabbit box and bait it with sardines.  I got rid of every cat in my neighbor hood.

    4. stand out there in your garden 24 hours a day.  With a shot gun and shoot the b******s.

    5. go tell the pet owners to keep their dam pets on their property.

  9. put onion slices around the garden its works and its natural

  10. Not sure about dogs but for cats go to the local zoo and they will be happy to give you some Lion or other big cats poo, some of this spread around the garden is 100% effective as a feline deterant,and not harmfrull, on the market you can get frequency sound deterrants which can be set for cats, dogs, foxes etc. Good luck.

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