
How do I stop collection agencies from harrassing my parents?

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Last year my sister had nasal surgery, at the time my dad was working for, and had health insurance with KBR. My dad switched jobs and health insurance this year. They're now getting rude phone calls once or twice every hour from different collection agencies saying that they owe $15,000 for the surgery. KBR's insurance, because my dad was working for them at the time and since the surgery was filed with them, should have covered the surgery, but KBR is saying that since my dad switched jobs and insurance the surgery went to the new insurance. My dad's new insurance is saying that since the surgery was filed with KBR's insurance that KBR should pay, and the collection agencies are saying that my dad needs to pay them. They don't have $15,000, and even if they did I wouldn't want them paying for a bill that they shouldn't owe in the first place. The collection agencies are now harrassing my sister too. Is there anything I, as their son, can do, or any advice to give them?




  1. There are limits about how often a collection agency can call per day.  They also aren't allowed to call other people who aren't responsible for the debt.  You sister and parents need to contact the state attorney about this.  You can't do it for them, but you can certainly be there and get them to do it.  In the mean time, keep a log of the date and times of ALL calls from this agency.  This will be important for legal action.  

    The insurance the medical procedure was started under should pay most of the bills and the new insurance should pay the rest, less any deductible.  There should be a state insurance commissioner for your parents to contact about this problem.

  2. Your situation are typical for a lot of people,so,be patient and calm down,check the resource i found useful.

  3. Send them a certified letter telling them no more calls.  Make sure your parents sign the letter.  If they call after that, contact an attorney in your local legal aid office and you mightbe entitled to damages.

  4. Ther is a National No Call list that you can get on where no  one can call your number without penalty of law unless they are a charity, political, or you did business with them recently. There also State lists. Attorney General.

  5. Your Dad needs to deal with this.

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