
How do I stop doing this?

by  |  earlier

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In the night, I always have to get up 3 or 4 times because in my sleep I switch my blanket around so it's not even covering me at all, or if it is, very little. How do I stop doing this, so I can stop waking up multiple times during the night? Thanks in advance for all of your answers.




  1. Tuck it in !

  2. It's annoying, but you're just a 'busy' sleeper. Nothing wrong with that. What I would do is wrap myself in the blanket, but if you like to move, you'll be uncomforatble. So, you can also make sure you have  the right temperature. Sometimes when I do that, i'm either too hot, or to cold, so adjust your fan and blanket so that its totally comfortable to  you. Otherwise, get yourself tired enough so that you won't bother to wake up at nights. Thats all i can say. good luck.


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