Okay, so recently i appeared in a commercial my step-dad produced. In it, i kinda had a bit of fun and acted silly and everything, that was what i was supposed to do.
Well anyway, ever since it started airing on tv, everyone i know makes fun of me because of it. I live in a pretty small town, when i'm walking in the streets people recognize me from the commercial and point and laugh, it's the same in school too, a lot of kids i don't even know make fun of me because they know i was in it, i'm like the laughing stock of the whole town.
Do you have any advice on how to make this stop? it's like i've become the town celebrity only it's bad because the commercial was quite embarresing, i didn't really think through how people would react.
And i can't move somewhere else because it will probably be the same there, this commercial airs all over the country.
ps, i wont say the commercial i was in, so dont even bother asking.