
How do I stop fearing ghosts?

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Sometimes I just know they are around and I try not to pay attention to them. Sometimes I'll tell myself that I'm seeing things or hearing things and my mind is only making it worse. But even so, I don't mind that they are around. I also know that they don't want anything from me.

It's just that when they are near, I can't help but feel scared. I think it's just a natural fear of the unknown, but still I would like to learn to be more relaxed around them. I could go in denial and just not believe in them, but I don't want to lie to myself; I KNOW they are there. I'd prefer to just reduce the amount fear that I experience while they are around.

Does anyone have any advice?

Thank you.




  1. Walk right up to them and yell.I'm not afraid of you!!There's not one case of anyone ever being hurt by a ghost.I have nothing to fear from you.Then get a Ouija board and make fun of the silly ghosts.Handle a bully ghost the same way you'd handle a school yard bully.Look them in the eye and laugh.Myself, I just don't believe in them and I've never been bothered.

  2. start fearing God.

  3. when i saw my first ghost i was frightened i was 5 years old  but ghost u dont  have to fear beacuse they cant cause u any physical harm a

  4. Learn to understand what a spirit is. If you understand it you will not fear it as much. Some fear will remain just out of the fear that they are going to suprise you again.

  5. In my opinion, the best way to overcome your fear of ghosts is to become a paranormal investigator. I used to be scared to death of them and now it is just kind of exciting. I have a couple of people in my group that used to wouldn't go outside at night by themselves and now they will walk off by themselves in the middle of a dark field and not think twice about it. I think it is because you get more used to the thought of them and it helps you to understand them better. Plus, when you are around a lot of people you don;t get as scared as you would if you were by yourself.

  6. First, relax.

    If you are in a situation where you know they are around you, they maybe there for a reason.  Don't be so sure they don't want anything from you, when in fact they do.  

    Ackowledge them, don't ignore them, or they will keep trying to get your attention.

    If you have not been hurt by them in any form, then they may just want to let you know they are there.  Most spirits may just want to communicate with you or they may just be attatched to you in some way.

    Ignoring them may, at times, make them want to try even harder.

    Talk to them, tell them they make you feel uneasy.  Sometimes that is all it takes.  Tell them they are welcome here, but when they make you feel uncomfortable let them know.

    I personally welcome them as long as they don't interferr with my life in a distructive manner.  When I am at home alone, for some reason I feel safer with my friends around.

  7. I saw my first ghost when I was 5 and my 4 yr. old brother was with me, I don't know who was screaming the loudest, Me or my brother.

        I have known about and experieced a lot since that age.  I think I was blessed as on my sides of my parents, we have alot of people who knew what to do and helped myself and my brother to learn and understand that there are ghosts, spirits, demons.  That is just to mention a few.  Most that have died do not understand that they have died or they need to finish something they did not get to do in life.

          Ghosts are on a different plain than we are and do not understand why we can't always see or hear them when they are trying to get our attention.  That is when we are in a room and all of a sudden we can feel their presence  around us.  It can be rather unnerving at times, I know that feeling quite well.  I started a Paranormal Group and it took off real well as there were alot of people who have had alot of the same things that have happened to all of us and finally they had someone to talk to that would not think they were crazy.

          I live in a haunted house and we have several ghosts here and not all of them are nice.  I have one who loves to grab my long hair at the roots and pull my hair as hard as it can and my poor husband is trying to get it to let go by tring to get my hair loosened by whoever is doing this.  He wins out always for me.   I wake up with deep scratches always under my legs and the scratches are perfectly straight from leg to leg.   So, I only gave you a few types of things of how I have been hurt.

         So, please do not believe that a ghost can't hurt you no matter how much you try to find out what it may need or does it want to go the light.   I know this may sound all strange and that it is being made up but I assure you I am just telling the truth and no matter what is done,   I still go on investigations and I show them that I am not afraid of them and that I am going to continue doing what so many of have been given, and that being given a special gift. Whenever you can take hopefully a digital camera and digital tape recorder and start taking pictures and have your tape recorder on.   Always say the date and time and who is doing the taping.     Sometimes that is the only way many of us see the ghosts and also hear what they want.   I find when I do this, I have gotten some good pictures and Evps.

          I can't tell anyone not to be afraid as if we carry some of that fear we don't get stupid.  I can tell you that you and only you has a choice of how much fear luggage you want to pull around with you.  It comes down to acceptence.

  8. Like attracts like in the world ( not opposites) so if your a good person you'll only have good people around you.

  9. Almost everyone believes in ghosts when they are young, because of stories and fictional TV series.  But ,just like Santa Claus, they are not real.  So almost certainly you will grow out of belief in them, as 99% of people do.

    Meanwhile, there is no reason to be scared, at all.  Out of billions of deaths per year, precisely zero are attributed to ghosts.


  10. I think you can never break the actual fear of a thing or situation, you can become used to it being around, but as long as it is an unpredictable - there can always be a fear response.

    For instance they say you can face your fears by coming in contact with it on a regular basis, lets say water bugs - as many times as  I've seen one, they still startle me because of their unpredictable nature an how they seem to pop up at the weirdest times.

    The same could be said for ghosts - if you are especially sensitive to their presence, your fear response is just a natural survival instinct telling you to prepare for an unpredictable situation. You have no way of knowing if the ghost is benign or malevolent so you will be afraid of the initial encounter.

    If you feel one around try to feel happy and project a feeling of warmth know that you are protected because you have the good fortune of knowing when they are around.

  11. I used to see ghosts all the time. The way I got over it was by closing my eyes and convincing myself that they weren't there. Or, if that didn't work and I still felt like I was being watched, I would just stand and face them. I know it can be scary, but it really does work. Instead of fearing them, why not turn them into your friends? :) It's a better deal, and instead of freezing with fear next time, you'll be happy that your 'friend' has come to visit you.

  12. I don't believe they can't hurt you. I had a nervous breakdown from their misleading me. It took 10 years for it to come to this. It seemed like fun while it was happening...very exciting. And then I ended up in a horrible trap I didn't know how to get out of. Also, I didn't realize what was being done to me. Believe it or not.....just trying to warn you.

  13. One effective way is to have a higher purpose.

    For example, if you are tasked to investigate ghosts and to provide a detailed account of your investigation which would be important to establish if such occurances in terms of frequency, duration, location, characteristics, purpose, etc, are for real; then each encounter becomes a meaningful event and opportunity for you.

    You become an objective observer and you can even record your own fears and track it to see if this fear has changed over time and why did it change or how it was different.

    Try it for a period of time and record your observations systematically and in as much details as possible. In fact, you may find that at the end of the day, the ghosts may have other explanations, some may have very logical, biological, neurological basis.

    Turn your fears into a priviledged encounter.

  14. feeling scared is a normal response. just think of them as guardians. however, if they feel like they are evil spirits, ignore them. if you acknowledge them once, they will keep coming back to you.

    also, you're religions may play the major role in this. depending on you're religion, they may be guardian angels. however, if you do not have a religions. i suggest you find one to believe in because these ghosts can be satans that do not want you to convert into a certain religion, just as they have been to me. don't do what the evil tells you. go to the good side. just remember, just like friends who are there to support you, these good spirits will support you just the same way when you make the confident decision.

    feel free to talk if you want!

    good luck!

    oh! i also forgot!

    yell at the ghost and tell them to go away. why should they have to scare you but you can't scare them? show them you aren't afraid. yell at them, throw things at them tell them to go away. they will fear you and it'll stop. it always works for me. although it may sound stupid. but it works. never hurts to try :)

  15. Understand that there is God. The God is more powerful that ghosts.The Gods can be called and they will hear. So believe that the Gods when called by you are protecting you from the Gosts.

  16. dont worry deep down i fear them to, i have seen many, and its strange when one shows up in front of you, it freaks me out still....this year in june my friend had died in the night, and i was woken suddenly to see him standing at my door......i panicked and the first thing i did, was to close my eyes and run straight for him to turn on my light..and he was gone....after when i found out he died, i could of kicked myself, i shouldnt of panicked, but instead sat there and tryed to see what he wanted, well i know why he came, i was the last person to see him and he must of came to see me to tell me he had passed away.....i also feel them around at times and i feel it to be quite eerie...i came across your question yesterday and had to have a little giggle to myself, cause i feel everything you feel....and for some reason we are the ones who pick up on spirit activity the most......ill always remember one night my sister and i were sitting in the lounge and we could both feel something else in the room with us, and i kept telling myself it was just my imagination, she was doing the same thing, i kept my head down with my eyes closed because i could start to see something and so could she, i went into complete denial, and tryed to change the subject, she kept looking and saying oh do you see what i see, and i kept telling her that this wasnt the time to muck around....when i look back at that night i can laugh about it now, but not then

  17. ghosts are virtual increase ur confidence.

  18. I stopped fearing them when I stopped assuming they exist.  Read up on the skeptical angle and you will see there is plenty of reason to think things such as ghosts might not exist.  Naturally, as you said, fear works hand in hand with the unknown.  If you teach yourself about these things in an honest and open-minded manner, you will be much less likely to be afraid of the idea of ghosts.  It worked for me.

  19. Well, generally the ghosts are not going to bother you.

    The things that you see or hear may actually be goblins.  They are quite mishevious, however usually will not harm you, and are actually quite small.  

    If you will stay awake one night, you may can actually catch them walking around your room, etc.   However, just stay quiet, and they will not bother you, other than misplacing your shoes, sometimes throwing things, etc.

  20. clap your hands, throw salt over your shoulder blah blah.

    Or maybe go to a doctor and seek help for possible paranoia...

  21. It wouldnd be 'denial' to stop believing in need to just relax, your fears are that of a child. keep telling yourself either they dont exist, or they cannot harm you, as their on a different plane.


    I say ignore the other poster, If i was a ghost id be irritated if someone kept telling me 'oooh go towards the light your dead!'

    id want to wander the earth and explore c**p....

  22. It is natural to feel scared but i'm afraid the only way to confront a fear is face it straight in the eye. Just tell yourself that there are too sides, good spirits, and bad spirits. As long as you thonk that you will make yourself surrounded by good spirits they will protect you. I personally am ok with ghosts but I would say that it is ok to communicate and ask for protection from good spirits but the bad thing is that malevolent spirits can sometimes get in the way, so how do you know it is a good spirit? Just do some research on them and progress with time, don't rush yourself all into it at once or you may never like spirits.

  23. Is it things falling off tables and shelves? Well the fellow featured in the website below claimed in new scientist in the middle of 2002 that he could push a book off a table when place on end from over a kilometer away.  If this is happing to You it may be only be him... See page 11

  24. Let one touch you it's the coolest feeling, you get the classic shivers throughout your entire body. I've had one speak to me it said "the only thing you need to know it that we can see you and you can't see us".

  25. You can get used to them.

    Try to understand what they are around for. The ones in my home seem to just want to be here. I am prety sure they are family members. One is my dog. The other two are  probably my Gradmother and posibley my Father. They drop by once in awile. My dog is here often and shows up as a bluish flash. I can feel it is her.Try talking to them. You can feel them around. They are people to. Just on a different plain. You may just have a very real dream between morning and night were you meet them. Dont be scared just relax and go with it if you do. Be open. I was given the privilage of a materialization once. It was not scary.

    There was one living here that was angrey with me because I

    had this family crest pin I bought. I should not have had it and this

    person wanted me to return it to thier family. I knew this because wherever I put the crest pin there were sounds plus bad feelings and finaley my clauset door was opened with bravado one night.

    At this point I said "Allright tomorow I will get the phone book out and you tell me who to contact" We did that the next day.

    I was given a good feeling when I chose a single phone number and called the person. She was very involved in her family history and had a Grand Son turning the age to pass

    such a Family crest pin to as Scotish tradition dictates. I mailed it to her that night.

    This presence has either left or is happy now. I dont feel him around now.I think it was a him.

    There are other entities like demons and sprites that can make the hair on your neck stand up and your stomach not.

    If there around it is scary. Loof for cracks in walls and fill them or any thing you bought like wood antiques or mirors. If standing by a piece of this furniture makes you uneasy it may be the source of your trouble.Nicely pass it on dont destroy it.

    That may be some ones home. Dont get them angrey.

  26. Just remember that ghosts are only in your imagination, they arent real. Then you will eventually stop feeling afraid.

    Keep reminding yourself that its silly, ghosts are simply a product of stories and movies. They are completely fictitious. There is no such thing.

    Stop believing in this sillyness and get on with your life.

  27. well my advice would be to just remember, a ghost cant hurt you. They are not the type of spiritual entity that harms. The only way to get over fear is to face it head on. If you want to, get together with a reputable group that you can learn from. There is really no simple answers to getting past ones fears. But its better to face them than to deny them. We all have a fear of something. So anyone who says they have no fear, are the ones you don't want to be around, they are the ones that run the fastest from something when they are really confronted. if its not poltergeist or demonic, theres nothing to fear.

  28. There may be other reasons for your fears

    Professional help in in order here

  29. Ghosts are just people without bodies. Do you fear people when they are around? Nothing to fear.


  30. It is totally normal to be scared, I would be scared too. But the main thing to remember is that ghost or entities can not hurt you, even though they do frighten you. Try talking to them or guide them into heaven by telling them that they are dead and to go to the light; many dont know that they are dead and are not at peace. Just do not be scared, they cannot hurt you. I hope that helped at least a little. Take care.

  31. Let me answer your question with a question to you as well as my personal answer to you on the matter... Would you consider your self "Empathic" can you feel strongly what others feel around you??? Like a dog knows when your mad and wags its tail when your happy???

    Ghosts are just as scared of you... you never know how long this ghost has roamed looking for someone real to see them...

    be respectful and listen to what they say you could well be a key for them to enter the next life you never know... I believe your fear is mostly generated from the fear that also comes from the ghost... I am not scared of ghosts but I'm not saying that" if one just surprisingly jumps out in front of my face and screams I'm not gonna jump out of my skin" lol but i would return to make sure that it is not a demon and that maybe the ghost needs some kind of help could be a calling for you...

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